Quilted Twins

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5 reasons we offer free patterns

Recently I was listening to a podcast and the person talking was telling us to work on content that brings us income - stop giving things away as it’s not a good business model. It made me pause, which is always a good thing, right?

Interestingly enough, I was sitting down to work on another free pattern. I kept on working. :) Obviously I didn’t pause for long. That person isn’t “my” boss.

So…exactly “WHY” do we have free patterns on this site - more importantly, why do “I” offer so many free patterns?

Let me give you 5 reasons.

  1. I’m paying it forward”.

    When I was just starting to quilt, I had almost no money - really. We had money to live but that was it. I scoured the internet for “free quilt patterns”. Yes, it was a while ago now, and there weren’t as many then as there are now, but when I found one - especially a good one or one that was interesting to me - I was very grateful. The expression - “pay it forward” - means that the person who received an act of kindness does something nice for someone else instead of the person who did it to them. That’s what I’m doing.

  2. My sis and I want to bring traffic to the website - offering free patterns does that.

  3. I’m honing my own skills at pattern writing. Eventually I may write one that I want to charge for.

  4. I’m trying to conserve my energy. :)

    When I’ve shown quilts on Facebook, if I designed it myself, I would inevitably have people ask me, “How did you make that?” It is easier to actually write up a pattern and share it in one place, than answer dozens of questions individually.

  5. It is my own “little way” to combat what seems to me (Becky) like the over commercialization of everything to do with quilting. (This one actually might be the first in importance to me personally though it is right up there with nr. 1. in importance to me.)

    This is sort of related to nr. 1, but not really. “Back when”, as I understand quilting, it was more of a community or friendship building activity while creating something that would keep your family warm at the same time and less about “empire building”. Does that make sense? Need I say more?

So there you have it - the five most important reasons I have decided to offer “free patterns” - and lots of them! These are personal to my life situation and my philosophy of life and quilting. I do not expect others to think or believe like I do.

(I would like to add that I have been in the blessed position where I didn’t need to earn pattern money - though I do hope to actually write a few in the future that I will have for sale.)

If you haven’t checked them out - you should. At least go take a look and tell your friends if there something that you like!!

I am going to be updating my patterns with a Creative Commons license copyright notice - which will tell people right on the pattern that they are free to use it and share it .

I don’t really want anyone else to “host” the pattern directly on their websites - I’d like it linked back to us - but otherwise, sharing freely isn’t a problem with my patterns. If I can help YOU more effectively learn to quilt and make something you and your family/friends will love - then I will have at least, partially accomplished what I have hoped to do!

In case you are wondering…I’m participating in a “Copyright Course/camp” this month and this is something we just went over. I’ve wanted to put something like this on the patterns - but this has kind of pushed me into it.

I know it’s short. I hope it’s been sweet. But It’s one of the things that has been on my mind lately.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

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