Happy "Fourth of July"!
I started making this one shortly after I started quilting. I just made 9 patches out of my various reds and blues and/or Americana fabrics. I didn’t finish it for years and years since I didn’t know what to do with it if I did finish it. I finally did (obviously) and gave it away to some American friends here in Poland.
I trust you in the USA have a wonderful chance to celebrate the signing of the American Declaration of independence today.
If not, then I hope you have a quiet day of contemplation (and sewing)!
We Americans are truly blessed. I know - if you are from a different country and reading this, I hope that you, too, think you are blessed!
I always grew up knowing that we were privileged. I was taught from early on that I could have been born elsewhere - where there was no freedom, where girls were sold into slavery at a young age, where there were constant wars and pillaging, or where there was no education, or no knowledge of God!
On top of that, I was born into a loving, Christian family whose parents taught me right from wrong and how to work!
I often contemplated what it would have been like to grow up somewhere else. Yes, I did. Even as a kid! I grew up grateful every day. Actually when I started to think about being born in a country like Kenya or India or in the jungles of South America, I couldn’t think about it too much - I had to just quit thinking about it. Because we were brought up in a Christian family and regularly had contact with missionaries and their pictures, I did have some familiarity with what life was life for other parts of the world even though we didn’t have a tv.
Anyway, in spite of our foibles, I am happy to be an American - and I hope that you feel the same way if you are from “x” country!
These blocks were part of the group of fabrics my sis and I bought from a lady - and so I put them together into this quilt. i gave away the quilt to American friends here in Poland.
I have made several “Americana” quilts - but not really a whole lot of them! I felt a bit funny sort of “flaunting my American status” here in Poland. As much as some people here love to “hate America”, in truth, many of them wish they lived there!
I’d like to make some more since I have some more patriotic fabric here - and really don’t know what to do with it - as I won’t use it for charity quilts. I could make some Quilts of Valor tops and bring them back to the states with me to finish there - I’ve considered that!
Now that my son-in-law, Zachary, is in the US Air Force, I also have more possibilities than I used to have for recipients of Americana/patriotic quilts!
This Americana Stars quilt was made after watching a You Tube Video where the lady explained how she made it. They were introducing a pattern, but it wasn’t entirely necessary to buy the pattern. Since the time I’ve made this one, I’ve tried this method of piecing blocks a time or two.
Here is what patriotic/Americana fabric I still have left!
I believe I will really work on using it up. I’ve considered trying a Surf Song bargello in red/blue with a bit of white - but in that case, these fabrics really won’t do.
This is the whole section of those shelves of fabric. Right next to the patriotic/Americana, I have only one little shelf of flannel - from which I chose and made my friend, Victoria’s little girl a couple of reversible little receiving blankets.
I did find out this past year there there is a couple right here in my town where the husband is an American and the wife is Polish.
I was able to give her my July 4th decorations when I cleaned out the attic from decorations I hadn’t used in years and years! She was happy to get them and I was happy to give them away! I thought maybe she would like an Americana quilt as well She said she wanted her children to know about American culture!
And there you go! We don’t really celebrate over here - as obviously it’s not a holiday in Poland! I know my sis in Florida has a lot of company and may not even have time to read this today!
Whatever you have a chance to do today, I trust it’s a good day for you!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!
Colors may vary slightly from what is shown.
Price is by the Yard.
100% cotton
44/45" wide
Nice fabric. Perfect for quilting.