"Mosaic" - again - only this time with 2.5" bricks!
Yes, I did it again. This time time I made it with white 2.5” bricks as the contrast and mediums and dark 2.5”x4.5” bricks. I originally made up this pattern with 2” strips, using 2”x3.5” bricks. I have told you that I’ve now got about 6 bags of 2.5” strips to use up - maybe only 5 by now as I gave one away- and have gotten a good start on this!
As I made it, it is a 96”x98” top.
I made this one - and I think it kind of looks interesting as you look at the colors in it. You can tell that I cut up a group of bricks, sewed for a while, making strips, then cut up more and again and again until I finished. Because of that the reds and oranges are concentrated in one area. I was just digging out “darks” from the bag I took up to my sewing room. The colors could have been more evenly spaced had I cut all of them first…but I didn’t. This is a fine project to work on in sections, I will add.
Same pattern - with 2”x3.5” bricks.
Just for contrast - here it is with 2” bricks.
But the design is the same. With this one using the 2.5” bricks, I decided to make the top “open” - basically looking like it starts with an “x” instead of an “o” as on the smaller one shown to the right.
(Next I want to do it with 1.5” - can you imagine? It will be a while - but those bricks, at 1.5”x 2.5” will take FOREVER to make a large quilt with - but how cool would it be?
Here’s about what it would look like in using smaller bricks. This is just for the curious. if you are looking for a nice, long time consuming project, you can do it as I did the regular Mosaic one using these bricks or check out Mosaic Variation which is done with blocks and is slightly different but you have to see it up close in order to see the difference.
This is a 90”x100” quilt using 1.5”x 2.5” bricks. No, I’ve not done it yet - just an idea - but one I think I will do. I think it would be great to have this pattern in all three sizes!
So….what do you think? Should I do this with my 1.5” strips? (! have two bags of them!)
Anyway…here’s the layout I used for this - only I decided after I started, to go back and add some strips to the top so that it made a sort of X at the top instead of being closed, as this layout is. It is done row by row.
The pattern is here - but it’s written for 2'“ strips - not 2.5”. But the layout is identical! It’s just that when I made the version using 2” strips, I made it longer than this shows.
Oh…one more picture - here are the 2.5” and the 2” mosaic tops side by side on the floor. When I quilt the larger one, I’ll show you again.
Maybe it would also be nice to try this in larger sizes - 3”x5.5” bricks or 3.5”x6.5” bricks. There would be less of a design, but it would go together faster. I’ve got most of my scraps all cut up into strips already but I just might cut some more (going forward) with these two sizes in mind just to see the difference in finished tops.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!
Colors may vary slightly from what is shown.
Price is by the Yard.