Sometimes it's the little things!

A few things I thought I should update you on.

First of all, international flights resumed yesterday out of Poland, as far as I know, and next week, intercontinental flights will resume! This means in a few days, flights to the states should resume! This means international mail to and from the US should start back again with at least a semblance of regularity.


This means I finally took those winning bags to the post office on Friday. I had been advised NOT to take them too far ahead of time as who knows what would happen to them? I was given that advice by some Polish ladies, so I took it as good advice.

I trust you winners all will get your reusable shopping bag with a Polish folk floral design by the end of the month. That’d probably be about the fastest you should plan on it!

I hope someone will let me know!

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Then…the lady I gave all the baby stuff to? I gave it to her on Sunday and on the following Thursday after that - so, 4 days later— she gave birth. I’d say I put together that gift “just in time!”

Here’s little one, which they named “Anna” (or Ania as the diminutive) - with one of the receiving blankets I made.

Remember that gift?

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My cutting frenzy continues.

Even though I felt really bad last Sunday/Monday— whatever I had, my stomach was in discomfort most of the week and that left me not feeling very energetic!

So, while I used the word “frenzy”, it’s not been very frenetic.

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I am doing something with this size of pieces, though….someday you’ll see…eventually. Cutting and then working with these tinies - add to “not feeling all that great” - though feeling better every day - means it’s slow going. Don’t hold your breath, though. Under the best of circumstances, it’s not a fast project..

I also need to be in a certain mood to work on it. This particular color grouping is the cool colors such as from that labels quilt I made for my friend, Ewa, and the leftover shirts from my friend, Agata’s gray/navy bargello quilt. I decided to literally strip all those small leftover pieces into 1.5” strips as that would give me the most possibilities for usable strips. Took forever (okay, I’m exaggerating!) to do that cutting, but I think I finished cutting up those shirts and various yoke pieces in the last couple of days.

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Then I had saved all the odds and ends of the fabric from the masks I had made and decided to strip those pieces into 1.5” strips as well.

I’m keeping them separate now, wondering if I’d like to make a mask quilt kind of as a memorabilia thing. I’m still thinking about it. I could always just dump that bag into the 1.5” strips cut up strips. And I may do that. Just not yet.

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Then, FINALLY, the last two days it has decided to get above 70F here and some seeds I planted a while ago have finally popped through! This is going to be problems for me because of how cool May was. The good thing is I did not plant “big pumpkins” so if they ripen late, that’s okay too! I’m definitely getting a late start with these!


And those are some of the “little things” that I wanted to catch you up on. It may sound weird to some of you, but when my mom and dad used to talk about doing the little things, it was comforting to me as a kid - to know that life somehow was continuing as normal - thinking especially when I was in college and stressed out most of the time! Just hearing the day to day stuff was actually somehow “stabilizing”.

And there you go…not that you are my child/kid or kin of any kind, but maybe a simple report on these little things might help bring a moment of calm to your stressed out world.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!