June "unusual" fabrics
It’s time to talk about the fabrics that we all think are strange, or fun, or weird or just unusual.
Well, “they” (the ladies in the shop - specifically Sarah, Jessica and Rachael - have been very, very busy with a variety of things going on, so it’s going to be up to me this month! I chose a few to show you and I’ll explain why.
First of all, this Riley Blake cowgirl fabric. Why? Well, simply because most cowboy fabric is distinctly masculine in browns and golds and greens. So, if you’ve got a cowgirl in the family who doesn’t mind one bit being feminine with these colors, consider this!
The next one I chose is this one - Whoopie Pies. I chose it because I simply don’t know how I would use it in a quilt. If I had a child who loved these things, they would make a great backing fabric - but otherwise, you’ve got me stumped! Oh, I’m sure I could figure something out if I had some here in Poland, but I don’t. So I can just admire it from a afar.
This Whoopie Pie fabric is by Maria Kallinowski for Benartex. She designs all kinds of interesting fabrics! It’s only $5.99/yard
This next one is great if you have a cat quilt - or are going to make one, this might work as a subtle laugh - otherwise…I’m really not sure how one would use it.
White Fish Bones on green - by Riley Blake. Only $5.99/yard
Then I thought this was unusual, simply because most striped fabric is not irregular like this. I find it fascinating!
This one by Moda/Sweetwater is actually words! I thought it was interesting and I like it!
This amazing dinosaur fabric is unusual simply because of the subject matter. It is from the specialty room, meaning my sis purchased it specially for you because people have been asking for something like this.
By David Textiles
Usually when we have religious fabrics or ones that have Bible verses on them, they don’t look whimsical. This one does to me. So, I’m classifying as unusual - but adorable! These houses, school and churches are flipped around various directions and in the background is the verse, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” from the book of Joshua in the Old Testament.
Then, this unusual fabric showing women with very, very long, thin legs riding bikes by Quilting Treasures is sure to bring a smile to someone’s face!
But I couldn’t stop. If you are making QOV, I’d encourage you to add a piece of this in your quilt - especially if it is for an older man! He would love it!
So there you are - my choices of June’s “unusual” fabrics just for you! Be sure to check these out if any of them interest you - and many others. Spend time in our novelty fabrics! We have a lot and you will at least smile when you see many of them even if you don’t need them!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!
Colors may vary slightly Though we attempt to represent our fabrics accurately, sometimes screens show things differently, as well as eyes see things differently.
Quilt panels are perfect as a base for a quilt, or if you want to cut it up for a themed quilt. If you want to make a small quilt, you could simply add borders on the sides and top and bottom out of coordinating fabrics. Becky has done that for her charity quilts many times.
100% cotton
Price is for one panel
Panel is 36” x 42”
Design includes one soft cover alphabet book
Designed by Elizabeth’s Studio
The design is called Alphabet Animals
Colors include white and colors