Big Fabric Haul - end of month 9 update

Well here goes.

I saw that a lot of people did like the Big Fabric Haul quilts when we had our Give away. We didn’t have the turnout I had originally hoped for because of the COVID-19 pandemic going on around us, but overall, I did see enough to know that most of the quilts from this project were taken. I had just a few left. I think I see 5 left out of about 15 or more that I had there. So, considering…I can see that they will be very popular in the long haul.


So, I am returning to some of the first styles that I made.

People took them. And you know what I didn’t see? I saw no one open them up and decide if they liked the arrangement of the browns themselves! All that angst over whether the shades were in perfect gradients - what a waste of (my) time!

I decided to a do all five this month since March is a longer month - all with this style. I like it - to me it looks like I spent a long time on them, when I didn’t really. I mean, obviously I spent more time than if I had just done simple sashing (which most of those taken as well! - especially the PRINT sashing)!

So here’s what I did.

So there you are! These are my newly finished tops made from those 10” squares!


At the end of this month, with these 5, this means I have a total of 40 finished tops made from these fabrics.

Now, obviously these are not exclusively from these fabrics as I’ve added sashing and other fabrics for borders. But since I paid about $400 for the whole load of fabrics AND thread, I am getting it down to about $10 per quilt top from these fabrics alone.

I’m hoping to get it down to a $2-$3 for each top from these fabrics. I think it is possible as I’ve not used up all the browns and tans yet and I probably have more blacks and grays than I did browns/tans.

I have some tops still sitting around - because while I finished up a lot of these back in October/November into finished charity quilts - I’ve been making more each month - as you can see.

I decided to try a couple of fun pics with all of them. It’s time for me to find a different place for them - other than my dining room!


In case you didn’t quite realize it, “Layer Cakes” (nodding to Moda) are 10” squares. You could use any of the ideas I show for these quilt tops made from the Big Fabric Haul easily when you use your layer cakes - or any 10” squares bundle - without any cutting. They would also work with any other amazing fabric that you don’t want to cut up into small pieces.

These are most of the tops I still have in the house that need to be finished up (from this series). Kind of fun to place them all out in a line like this and try to get a nice picture.

These are most of the tops I still have in the house that need to be finished up (from this series). Kind of fun to place them all out in a line like this and try to get a nice picture.

Thanks for stopping by today to see where I am on these charity quilt tops and that amazing Big Fabric Haul!

One note - that while the colors of this collection, frankly, are a bit boring, the fabrics themselves are not.

They are a very high quality fabric and a joy to work with. They are heavier than normal quilting cotton, naturally - but are very nice to touch and sew with. It’s been many years since I worked with this thickness and quality of fabric. (I taught a tailoring class many moons ago - along with Beginning Clothing - first semester sewing - and Clothing Construction - second semester sewing - used some similar fabrics back then.) Working with these fabrics almost makes me want to make some clothing again!

I am updating pictures each month on that page of the website!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen2 Comments