Quilted Twins

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Big Fabric Haul - end of month 11 report

Well, it’s not the end of the month. Not at all.

In fact, I put together these tops on May 1 - just to get them finished for the month! Now, that clears that off the calendar for the month! I can focus on other things!

But I had located this tree fabric I used for the sashing when I was uncovering some fabric for a friend who is making masks - and decided that, since it was leftovers from backing from charity quilts - why not use it for sashing for more charity quilts? I liked it when I did it before - so I made up two more using i t. I used those two taupey fabrics for the squares.


I had so many of that color - it is two very similar colors but quite different fabrics - that I wanted to use them as much as I could - to get them down to “just a few”. I have a box in my dining room - and they hold these 10” squares and I wanted the box to be a little bit less full!


So, I put together these two. Now I did have the pieces all cut out before the day started, but I was able to have the four tops put together by noon. I know some of you wonder how long things take. I wondered why it took me that long to sew that few seams!!! They needed a final pressing, however. I didn’t do that on that day.



These are tops numbers 45-48. This leaves me 4 more for June and my 1 year anniversary - it was about July 7 when we drove down to southern Poland to get this load of fabrics and thread for which I paid about $400.

I had wanted to make 1 top a week, average, out of these fabrics until I use them up - for charity. If I get 150 tops out them, then I figure that averages out to about $3 per top for the big squares of fabric. Of course, that doesn’t count the sashings and borders, which is not insignificant! But I also got thread…and batting…

With this collection of four more, my first year’s challenge to myself is almost finished.

I’m happy about that. I had thought it might take about a year and half to use up the browns and then a year and a half the blacks. We’ll see. I think I actually have more blacks than browns. The challenge will be - what to put with the blacks so that I do not go “stark raving mad”. I will probably need to hunt for some Polish fabrics that I can buy to put with them as sashing and borders.

I have only about 5 or 6 more brown pieces to be cut up into 10” squares. Maybe I’ll get that done this week. Then I will truly be on the “last step” of using these browns” up in a great way! I think the business we bought them from said they had been sitting in their living room for several years waiting for a buyer, so I am thrilled to be able to put them to good use—even if it isn’t what they were manufactured for!

As usual, if you want to see the whole series, just check it out here - you can see the tops and finished quilts - these are all charity quilts - from start to current.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

And now…

Just for Fun! A Give-Away -

10 days straight excluding Sunday

Day 6

Yes, we are going to be having a drawing every day for 10 days (excluding Sunday)…your chance to win one of these bags - a reusable Polish folk design shopping bag. If you win, YOUR responsibility is to contact me. I will put a list up on May 11 at which time the winners need to send me your address via email at customerservice@quiltedtwins.com or PM me at Becky Tillman Petersen via Messenger.

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

See this gallery in the original post

Today’s question - you HAVE to answer in the comments below. If for some reason you can’t answer down there, send me an email to customerservice@quiltedtwins.com . There are a few people who don’t seem to have the comment box.

Please, put either your whole name or something distinctive - not just “Susan” or “Donna” or “Linda”. We seem to have a lot of people here with those first names. Thanks! If you don’t want to put your first and last name put your first name and two more letters.

Answer this question:

What’s your favorite charity to give to/help out? (quilting or otherwise) - if you don’t have one, it’s okay to say that as well.

See this content in the original post