Second chance winners!


We had a give away of these beautiful reusable shopping bags with a Polish floral design on them. Last Monday I told you the winners and asked each winner to contact me during the week with your mailing information.

Out of 10 winners, 7 of you contacted me via and sent me your information. Three did not.

I am going to have a redo of those questions. They were nrs. 1, 3, and 10. The winners did not contact me.

(I decided with this contest, I was going to put the responsibility of making contact with me on YOU, the winner.)

  • If you win this redrawing - please contact me.

  • Use the address -

  • Please put in the title of the email - “Winner of nr. (1,3,10) Polish BAG give away!” and give me your mailing address in the body of the email.

I want to get all of these in the mail this week if the post office will accept international mail. (They delayed international flights til May 23, so I have my doubts that the packages will actually go anywhere til then - I suspect they will sit on the floor of the post office sorting room somewhere.)


Here we go!

And once again - thanks for playing along, reading the blog, and spending at least part of your day with us! We hope we encourage you and uplift you in every way as you seek to do your best in every area of your life!

Second chance winners!

Nr. 1 - Becka Loach

Nr. 3 - Helen Glover

Nr. 10 - Marge Bloom

Please write me as described above!


Oh…and I gave Victoria the gift bag on Sunday! She was THRILLED! Maybe it’s not tradition here…not sure…but she certainly didn’t seem to be expecting anything from me!


The bag held - the quilt I made the other day, the two reversible receiving blankets, a smallish bag (40) of newborn diapers, a mega pack (80) of size 1 diapers, a multipack of baby wipes 4 packages - about 360 wipes, I think?, a plastic box for wipes - whereupon afterwards you use the refills, 2 packages of infant size pacifiers, a hooded towel and a big bottle of Johnson’s baby wash/shampoo. I told her I only gave her practical stuff.

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And that’s it for today! Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!