"Show Off the Farm"

Well, I finished it up. The only thing left now is making the label and putting it on. I have to do that with another quilt I’ve made as well. I’ll do them at the same time when I set up the embroidery machine.

Anyway, this is very simple, as I mentioned before - it’s simply 9.5” cut squares plus a sashing and 9 patch cornerstones.

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This quilt is for the Pasco County Farm Bureau annual dinner. We’ll use it as advertising for the Quilted Twins shop there in Dade City, FL. Hopefully they will have the dinner in October as planned. It is one of those businesses that has to have an annual member’s business meeting so they sponsor a dinner at the Pasco County fairgrounds each year in order to get all the members there.

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Of course the key to this one is choosing the right fabrics for the squares. Thankfully between what Rachael was able to send me and what I already had, I was able to find enough nice prints to make it interesting.

We used cows, horses, various plants like sunflowers, corn, and some products that would be found at a farmer’s market.


I did some curls and swirls and a few other things when I quilted it.

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For the backing, I am going to throw them a loop and I used a Polish folk floral. I decided the colors worked - so I used it. Even though it doesn’t go with the theme of farming, hopefully they will be so gobsmacked with the colors, that they will be thrilled by the beautiful floral!

Plus I like it. What a surprise for the person who gets this quilt! They probably will be expecting something like a farm print or bandanna or something like that. However, I simply did not have enough of anything.

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The quilt roll!

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This pattern is the same one I’ve made before. It’s here - Show Off or “Alaskan Show off”. It’s all the same.

And now you know!

I’m relieved to get this one made and behind me! The only thing left is the label - which I will make when I set my embroidery machine up.

Upon further examination of these pictures, I think I am going to go wash it one more time as I don’t really like how it looks like there is a bit of pink around the edges of some of that red bandana fabric in the sashing. It’s actually more obvious in these pictures than in real life. But just so it doesn’t sit in the fabric all these months til I get it to FL, I will wash it once more and see if I can get that out and let it line dry . I haven’t dried it in the dryer yet. I have some Dawn dish washing detergent I can try to rub into the spots if it doesn’t come out on its own.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Stay safe!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!