Simple Framed Panel - 5 borders

Well, I was cleaning up and organizing again in my fabric storage room and I had laid out this panel a while ago because I wanted to do it. The colors are subtle - not at all bright and in your face.

In fact, they are too subtle - it’s probably why Hoffman discontinued it.

But at the same time, it fascinated me.

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Last year when I was in the states, I helped my sis cut up panels on the big cutting area. Often the first panel on the bolt has issues of some sort. It is a bit frustrating because we pay for it the same price as if it didn’t. Anyway, I decided to let those just slip right into my suitcase.

I wanted to get this one done quickly. While it was a 33” panel (supposed to be a yard), it was still fine.

I trimmed it down to 32.5” x 42.5”, then I put 3 borders on it - starting with white- cut 1.5”, 2”, and cut 2.5”.

I used white closest to the center, then gray, then a darker gray. Then I wanted something different, so I put another thin - cut 1.5” wide, very dark, almost black border in to sort of frame that part and then the last part - green to make final frame. I cut the last border at 5”, so it will finish at 4.5”.

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I think the challenging part on this is going to be the quilting. I am going to have to do some thread painting—at least a little.

Because the colors on the panel are so muted, I will probably actually change thread color as I quilt it.

And there you are!

It’s only a small project, but one more of those things I’ve had sitting around that I wanted to do!

I consider it ‘half done” at this point!

While THIS panel is discontinued - you could do something similar with any of the scenery panels that we have - and we do have a lot of them!

Here is a link to the page that tells you where the panels are .

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!