Winners - 10 days of Polish folk bag give-aways!

Today is “Announce the winners” day!


If you see your name on this list - please send me an email at

with the title: WINNER OF The giveaway - question 1 (or question 2), etc.

Then give me your full name and mailing address so I can get these bags in the mail.

If the winners have NOT let me know within a week -by the end of May 17, 2020, we will have a second chance for the numbers whose winners have not contacted me.

and the winners are.jpg

  • Question 1 - Kathryn Burlingame

  • Question 2 - Dorris Dale

  • Question 3 - Tony De Zego

  • Question 4 - Joye Cox

  • Question 5 - Maria Lisa Zook

  • Question 6- Veronica Johnson

  • Question 7 - Sharon Haberman

  • Question 8 - Kathy Wagner

  • Question 9 - Lorinda Van Engelenhoven

  • Question 10- MJ Dawson


I hope this little drawing has brightened these “crazy days” we find ourselves in at least a little! I am honored that such a charitable, experienced, well-traveled and creative group of you read here.

Seriously! I am honored!

Thank you for coming by!

You can look for your beautiful reusable Polish shopping bag within the month. Actually I have NO idea how long mail is taking these days from Poland. Normally going THAT way it is 1-2 weeks. But right now? With hardly any planes flying…who knows? If they aren’t allowing me to mail things internationally, at this time, I will wait until they do to mail them, obviously. They are supposedly going to start flying internationally again on May 23 - so it is very possible I won’t be able to mail until then. I will try, however, before then. (I am ignorant whether or not there are cargo planes flying to the states right now.)

Never fear. Just keep being patient!

And just for fun - here’s a Polish themed quilt I made for my nephew, Peter, a few years ago now.

When I made this quilt - before I ever started, I did a trick that I read about on the Quilting board many years ago and washed the white with the red in the same load of laundry.This was the third piece of white fabric I tried before I found one th…

When I made this quilt - before I ever started, I did a trick that I read about on the Quilting board many years ago and washed the white with the red in the same load of laundry.

This was the third piece of white fabric I tried before I found one that wouldn’t pick up red dye.

But at least this way I had a sort of sense that the quilt would not end up pink. As someone said, “It’s not so important that the red isn’t releasing dye - what is important is that the white isn’t a dye receiver.” That was how I handled this red/white quilt.

Here are some of the details.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Stay safe. Keep on quilting!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!