I know it's getting a bit much...

I know…some of you are glad I’m showing you things about the charity quilting.

Others of you are (probably) sighing and will be glad when I’m done so I can get back to my own quilts/designs.


This little hiatus has been enjoyable for me, actually, and I’ve been pleased with how relatively stress free the quilting has been. That tells me I’ve made big strides with my free motion quilting as for me it is the most stressful part of the whole “quilt-making” process.

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As of this writing, I’ve quilted 105 of the quilts. I have a few more of the small ones to finish - and then I have about 12 big ones - tops that were donated by you all that I need/want to finish up this calendar year - 2020. It will put me over 120, but that’s okay as well.

Here’s the whole stack of 105 quilts - though you can’t possibly see them all at once. There are 4 groups of 20 in each pile on the bottom. Then on top of that there are 20 - 2 sets of 10. Then I’m working at piling them on top of that. As of this photo, there are 5 stacked up there.

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Today, for whatever reason, I didn’t feel like I did a lot, though, I did prepare all the backings that I had not yet prepared for the large quilts. Then, I quilted two small ones.


I waited and waited (OK - exaggeration!) for that “other” sailboat fabric to arrive as I had saved back 3 tops that I thought would be perfect with that fabric.

I have planned to use a lot of it for the large quilts as so many people in Poland love to sail—I have over 60 of those to prepare backings for.


My husband walked out the front door and it had been delivered to us - unbeknownst to me. So, he opened it for and this is what he found -



I am not a happy camper. To have it happen to me once, okay. But twice? I’m planning on returning it and if for whatever reason they can’t find the fabric I do want, I have a different one I’ll get them to send me that they have in stock.

I wrote them today and asked them how to return it. I may call in the morning (Friday) to get an answer so I can get the process going. In the meantime, I want to get these last three smaller quilts quilted, so I managed to find some fabric that will go with them from my regular stash.


But last week, I did get ahold of the third fabric company that I’ve been able to discover here in Poland that sells this cotton wholesale, and they sent me this one.

I wasn’t thrilled with the design upon seeing it, but the quality is fine - it’s soft to the touch. So I’ve started using it. And guess what?

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As I’ve been using it, I’ve been quite pleased with how the backings are turning out. I’m really quite happy with it now. And I think people will like it.

I like that it has a gray background!

So…back to the sailboat fabric that I’ve not gotten yet. I’ll let you know how that goes. I am so disappointed that it isn’t the right one this time - for those of you who don’t know, this company sent me this same white based fabric that is very kiddie - the first time they sent fabric which I got over a week ago now - and I had asked for the sailboat fabric shown above.

Since they don’t have a website to order from, you have to write emails and send numbers and/or pictures. I did both. I sent them the product number according to something they had sent me, AND a photo - just to make sure they knew what I wanted.


Sometimes customer service here in Poland just isn’t what it should be. Once. OK… that’s a mistake. Two times? That’s —— (thinking of a not complimentary word but hate to write it lest they see this somehow!) Anyway…unacceptable is a milder word than I was going to use.

A beautiful top one of you all made for me!  It has universal appeal and I’ll show you the whole thing later!

As much as I loved (and I think you did too) seeing all the beauties that you sent me - finished - like I showed the other day - I’m not ready to do that again - but here is another nice one I’ve been working on! I’ll show you in a different post on another day a lot more of these tops I’ve finished with a overall view. I like how they look!

Oh…I also get another message from a person who is working with an organization where they are preparing Christmas packages for area needy. She asked me if I had 4 more quilts she can give to people - as part of their Christmas presents. I told her I probably did have 4 (!!)…so I asked her - men or women. Surprisingly this time - 3 men and 1 woman! She’s coming to get them on Friday evening. I told her I am happy to help! (I will go find 4 from where I have the finished ones stored for now. Photo below.


Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what we have in the store! Check it out here!

This particular bundle of beauty includes 13 pieces and is only $32.50!


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