A Quick Buying Trip - Day 1

Rachael and her husband, Ken, are on the road to the Atlanta area for a quick buying trip. This time they were going to the headquarters of the company called Quilting Treasures or sometimes known in the quilting world as QT. Hmm. Sounds like good initials.


They headed out on Sunday afternoon, after their church services were all finished, they got changed, and said goodbye!

They, of course, had to take Ken’s truck along with a small trailer with a hitch. They are heading to a storage unit to get some more goodies!!!

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They needed to go by the Quilted Twins store to get Rachael’s jacket - and guess what? Neither of them had a key so they had to go back to their home to get it so they could get back to get the jacket.

Such little things - but it can set you back 20 minutes.

But driving in Florida has some advantages - this beautiful rainbow - not an uncommon sight in Florida!


And so they drove and drove!

(I would like to interrupt this post to indicate that this is what I wrote by the time I went to bed in Poland on Sunday evening. The next morning I got up to read what my sis had sent me via Messenger so I could add to the post.)

At 9:40 pm they arrived at their hotel. This hotel was located right next to a McDonalds which is where they decided to eat.

Should they go check in first and drop off their stuff, or go eat?

Rachael wanted to drop off the stuff in the hotel - Ken wanted to eat. Rachael won.

She thinks she’s thankful.

Let me switch to her first person account -

from Rachael -

While we were checking in, our check-in was interrupted by a call from above.

Someone had witnessed a break-in of vehicles!

The security guy had come in briefly to go to the bathroom — he ran racing out to get the car license number.

We finished checking in and then Ken went outside and lo and behold our vehicle was one that had been broken into!

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glass on the seat

glass on the seat

They broke the window and got glass all over the seat

They stole some valuables, but we really don't know everything they might have stolen. We’ll find out eventually!

The mess they left.

The mess they left.


The security guard and Ken taped up the window. We had brought a tape gun and cardboard to put the bolts in.


While waiting for the manager, we slipped over to McD’s and got supper and brought it back to the lobby and ate.

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Helping - taping up the truck

Helping the other victim taping up his truck

The manager got in at 11:20 and talked to us.

He said he would comp our night, but in all reality you all have comped our night because I bought the night with airline miles which I got by buying fabric!

—back to Becky

Oh my! I had no idea, when I suggested to Rachael that we make this a blog post report how it would turn out. Let’s hope that no other troubles befall them on this journey.

Bet they will be glad to get out of Atlanta!

Those of you who are praying folks - I’m sure they would appreciate your prayers for a safe trip. Thankfully no one was hurt, but I’m sure they are feeling vulnerable about now!

Now…upon reflection - It is obvious to me that “forgetting the key to the store and needing to go home and get it” made it so they were at the hotel at the exact time that the thief was there/the security guy needed to go to the bathroom.

Our lives are truly like a vapor (reference from the Bible) - you just never know what’s going to happen and how fast things can change.

Thanks for your encouragement and care for both of us (Rachael and Becky).

Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

Don’t forget to check out what we have in the store!

You still have time to get this and finish it for Christmas !

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