Quilted Twins

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A Quick Buying Trip - Day 2

After a late night because of what happened yesterday, Ken and Rachael slept in a bit - but not too much.

They were able to get some take away food from the hotel.

They wanted to be at the storage warehouse at 9:30 when it opened.

And so they were.

Once the doors were opened, this is what they saw. Fabric!

And more fabric!

But we know that many, if not most, want to see things UP CLOSE!

So here goes!

Then they were able to go upstairs into another room and find more goodies!

And so they made their decisions, and started loading it into their truck and trailer -

in the trailer

In the cab of the truck

Then they started back to central Florida!

After a bit, they had to stop and retape the cardboard on the side of the truck. And then they had to get Dairy Queen while they were at it!

They drove all the way to Dade City without incident - thankfully!

They did stop for fuel in Ocala - and then stopped for food near home.

They pulled into their yard at this time.

So glad they made it home without further incident!

Thanks so much for reading and caring! Rachael hopes to write a summary of the trip with her reactions/impressions!


Be sure to check out what we have in the store.

Here’s one of the things we have! This is a bundle that Rachael put together - because butterflies are so popular!

This butterfly bundle pack is only $35 and is beautiful!!

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