We have now produced our very own first fabric!
Be a part of history and get one of our very first printed fabrics!
Quilted Twins is now a name brand!
About a year and and half ago now, we applied for a trademark to protect our brand. We knew that we wanted to have patterns, a store and eventually fabric with our very own trademarked name!
Two weeks ago now our dream finally came to fruition with the delivery of 1500 of our very first printed panel!
Drum roll, please!
Introducing…. THE CROSS!
About 10 years ago I visited a local attraction in Florida that had a very moving Crucifixion scene. I took a picture of the cross by which to remember the event. When I got back and blew it up on my computer, I was thrilled with how well it came out.
I entered it into our local county fair photography contest and won first prize, which was a whopping $50 prize! I was thrilled. It was given a great spot, where all who came and went could be reminded of The Cross. To me it represents the very reason for my whole being. My life. My reason to get up in the morning. Without the Lord, there would be no reason to put one foot in front of the other.
Last year, after our official trademark came through from the US Government, we decided to move forward in the process of starting our cross into production. I believe the process began around Thanksgiving or Christmas time, when we got Becky’s son, Daniel, to take a picture of my printed picture! I had lost the jpg file since it was many computers ago and multiple thousands of pictures ago.
Daniel edited the photo and we submitted it to a fabric printer who agreed to help us out by getting this digitally printed!
I couldn’t be happier!
So, we have these beautiful cross panels available for $12 each. We are the ONLY ones who are selling this, so you will NOT find these anywhere else!
Come and get one or two or twenty. Buy them HERE
Our name is on it!
It’s a first!
Help us celebrate the fact that the cross is EMPTY today, which is great cause for celebration. The Empty Cross represents a living Savior, who died for us, but lives again!
There’s a song that my kids came home from college and introduced me to called So High the Price. It is a fitting reminder of the Cross and what happened. Here’s a fantastic version of it on Youtube HERE
One of the last things Becky did for me before heading back to Poland was to go and get a shadow box for the trademark that she cut off the first panel which she made into a sample quilt for us. You’ll get to see that sample quilt down the road.. hopefully soon! This is on display in our store.
Please go and have a wonderful day!
Colors may vary slightly from what is portrayed. Screens vary as well as our eyes sometimes see things differently, but we've made every attempt to have the color be accurately portrayed.
Price is by the Yard.
100% cotton
41/43" wide
Local quilt shop quality fabric
Chelsea - Beehive and Bees on White
by Northcott Fabrics