I'm alive and breathing

I thought I’d put my two cents in here from across the pond..

I’m here.

I know some of you figured I dropped out of the plane on the way over from Poland and somehow no one reported it!

Not true.

There have been a few issues, however—the main one being illness. I’ve been feeling like I’ve had the flu for the last week and a half over and over again.

Today is the first day I can see to type (my eyes acted like they had a cold in them and everything was blurry), and my fever is gone.

In the meantime, I’m sorry for not keeping up with the blog, but I just couldn’t. Ever since we started it, I have done everything I could, including pre-planning for trips and such to make sure such a thing didn’t happen.

Than, the confluence, of the last few days in FL and all the emotions of saying goodbye yet again, combined with the integration of the new blog, the travel and then bam. I went down.

But I’m back now. Not ready to fight a battle. Not yet ready to tackle my 120 charity quilts for this year….but at least I’m now starting to put away the fabric I brought back from the states with me.

My husband could be nominated for Husband of the Year with how he has treated me in the last week. Our cats have been keeping me company in bed until I couldn’t stand their presence at every turn!

Thank you so much for your patience. I’ll do my best to share more details of what’s been going on in our lives - later, though, not now.

Simply put, I’m back. I’m grateful. God has given me a measure of strength today.

I trust I can use it glorify Him in whatever I do.

I’m itching to get back to quilting/sewing. The closest thing thing for me with that is folding my fabric and getting it in my fabric storage room.

Thanks for being concerned if you’ve noticed! Thanks for hanging in here!

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