“Show and Tell” - Quilted Twins customers
Rachael regularly has people come in to the shop showing their quilt tops or finished quilts. Usually they are made from our fabrics that they purchased at the shop - or at least partly from our shop.
We’ve been doing a dismal job of actually showing them and have decided to change that. So, the plan is now to have a monthly “Show and Tell” on the blog where we share those photos from people who have come into the shop for previous month or so!
There is no reason you all can’t all enjoy them!
So, that’s the plan. We’d like everyone to be able to enjoy those photos- not simply keep them on my sis’s phone!
This beautiful turtle panel was done by Patti Hutchens! The ancient mariner sea turtle panel is here.
This bag was made by Cindy Casciato from Bushnell, FL
Nancy Overstreet from Ocala made these two:
And these were made by Linda Dunaway from Northport, FL

And here are some that we have pictures for, but we don’t have the names in order to give credit! But these are also really nice!!!

We appreciate you so much! If you bring your quilt or quilt top in and want to show us, that’s great! We’ll take the photo and share it here! I can identify you in these photos if you will write it in the comments and let me know whose is whose.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!