Spacy Stars

The Upcycled Greens #5 is finally finished!

This may be my favorite in the series to date.

But that’s tough to say. Sometimes as I work on a quilt - and especially when I FINISH a quilt, it is the current “favorite”.

This one reminded someone who wrote me a private message of Edyta Sitar. I took it as a high compliment as I really her style. However, if Edyta has something like this - well, I certainly don’t know about it/remember if I did see it.

it came about as one of my efforts to create a calm, open quilt featuring stars.

Anyway…here it is.

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Now…just as a curiosity - let me show you a cut from this quilt and from the quilt INSIDE the house on the floor as a top. Same quilt - same section of the quilt. Outside, you can really see the differences in whites/creams whereas on the floor inside the house - you really aren’t sure what color things are.

I find it fascinating. Same camera.

I tried to take a photo earlier in the day in the morning sunlight, but the wind was too wild. And I really didn’t want the back shining through the front since obviously this top has a lot of white/cream in it.

I ended up waiting until I had a lot of cloud cover and later in the day after the wind died down for the rest of the outside photos.

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I did use some of my cotton batting which I had from the states. It is so yummy! And so easy to quilt! I love it!

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The only thing that is hard about it is the weight of the quilt - cotton is definitely heavier than poly which is what I have available here and tend to use almost exclusively. I am, however, keeping my eyes out for other options to be found locally. I recently found some all cotton batting from the Czech Republic and I thought I’d try a couple of meters of it. I haven’t needed to yet, however, as I still have batting.

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I used a variety of different darker greens as the star points and cornerstones.

Sadly, my darker greens are about coming to an end by the time I made this one and another one. Well, maybe not coming to an end, but compared to my light greens, there is no comparison. This is forcing me later in the series to incorporate other colors or somehow get contrast in spite of a lack of darker greens.

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The quilt roll:


And did you want to compare a few quilt rolls to see how different they look depending on the batting and/or type of quilting used? Here are a few I’ve done so far in this series. All of these quilts are pretty close to the same size. I find it interesting to notice the difference in the quilt rolls.

I quilt these myself on the Janome 8900. This was a joy to quilt. So flat. So not slippery. Just easier to quilt for me than with poly. Because I usually use poly, the “flat” part is still quite a marvel to me.

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Here you can see the shrinking and the effect after a wash.

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I am piecing most of these backings - just to get pieces big enough. This is a really fun collection of fabrics!

The picture below shows the variations of whites/creams in a close up.

I find it fascinating. When I work on these in the winter here in my house, I usually do realize there is a difference in shades/colors, but nothing like when I take the photo outside in the natural light.

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Here is the UP Greens series so far (not in order) and lacking number 8 - Checkered.

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Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

Thank you so much for coming along with me on my journey!

Oh…here’s the pattern. I know at least a few of you were wanting it! Hope someone can use it!