Quilted Twins

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Look what else I was given!

I was given fabric this past week - a big bags of it by a friend named Monika who lives very close by!


It’s deliciously soft and beautiful.

How would you use it? I’ve never had any before but I love the feel!

I hope that someone will give me some ideas on how to use this amazingly soft fabrics in quilts. I don’t have large pieces.

I already gave Ewa one of the pieces so she can use it in fidget mats.

I know that some people use it as backing fabric.

Have any of you cut this into squares and combined it with regular quilting cotton for a wonderfully textured adventure for a child?

Thanks, Monika, for the fabrics! I do so appreciate it!

So what can I do with these pieces?

Just check out all the beauty!

Once again, I am blessed!

(Not long ago I shared about a bunch of shirts that were given to me by a quilter - this is the second such donation in a short period of time.)

I’m awaiting your ideas in the comments!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

You can get this Butterfly Pavilion panel here. It’s beautiful!

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