Look what else I was given!


I was given fabric this past week - a big bags of it by a friend named Monika who lives very close by!



It’s deliciously soft and beautiful.


How would you use it? I’ve never had any before but I love the feel!

I hope that someone will give me some ideas on how to use this amazingly soft fabrics in quilts. I don’t have large pieces.

I already gave Ewa one of the pieces so she can use it in fidget mats.

I know that some people use it as backing fabric.


Have any of you cut this into squares and combined it with regular quilting cotton for a wonderfully textured adventure for a child?

Thanks, Monika, for the fabrics! I do so appreciate it!

So what can I do with these pieces?

Just check out all the beauty!


Once again, I am blessed!

(Not long ago I shared about a bunch of shirts that were given to me by a quilter - this is the second such donation in a short period of time.)

I’m awaiting your ideas in the comments!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

Becky Petersen8 Comments