2021 Charity quilts #1-10
It’s time to start showing these. I can’t wait as long as I did last year - for my own sake. So, here goes.
The first 10 - only 110 more to go for the year 2021!
I have decided to show you in groups - probably small and then large, then small, then large, etc. We’ll see. I’m making it a point this year to make up more than usual of the large tops that I have. It is always easier to make small ones, so I tend to follow the normal route of mankind - do the easiest first. Truthfully, I do tend to give away a lot more of the small ones, though. Why? For example, last week I met a social worker at the building and I gave out 4 for children and a large one. So, out of 5, one was large - the other 4 small (single size). At that ratio, I really only need about 20% large and the rest smaller.
I do hope to have a give-away in October as I’d like to keep handing them out as the purpose here isn’t to have a nice collection at the church building.
And by the way - we are working on putting in cameras at the building and getting a security system up. it’s not as expensive as we had thought it would be.
The closet where I have all the large tops from Fran that are ready to be made into quilts. Usually I take hers and add a couple of borders and they are wonderful queen size quilts at that point.
The difference this year over last is that I am kind of psyched up to make a big difference with the large ones - as the pile is pretty big - in the closet in my storage area at church. So, I’m getting eager to make progress on the pile shown. They aren’t hard to do the way that I do them - straight line quilting. The hardest part is the horsing the quilt around all over and as usual - almost no one’s favorite part - the sandwiching.
I know that by showing ten at a time, I’m showing quite a bit of work all at once. With other quilts, often I show each quilt separately - the top first, and then again after I finish quilting it. However, these charity ones I don’t do that. It would simply take too much time on the blog and I do them in an assembly line type process. No real need to do it that way.
I do appreciate all of the people who have helped me finish so many charity quilts in the last few years. some have given me fabric, some have made tops and donated and some have even given me $ to go towards batting! Thanks all! This is a group effort and I just get to be one of the ones on the front lines.
We are expecting rain in a little while and even though I’m not actually planning on taking these to the building today, I did want to move them to the van, so I could be ready to go at any time. Ten down. Only 110 left.
That’s so discouraging sounding!
Best go get busy!
I see I need to clean out the back of the van. Looks like sawdust. I wonder who else has been using the van! Hmmm.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!