Cultural: More on the packing
Just around the corner in Poland is a holiday for the kids - St. Nicholas Day. As such, the stores are loaded with toys. I’m sure I’ll talk about it on that day - but this morning we went to Lidl and Biedronka and then came home and packed up the presents for Family 5 which I had all set out on the table. Here they are. Family 5 is the brother/sister combo.
Then Ewa and I packed up the food that we bought in the morning. We also bought a lot of personal hygiene items and Ewa packed those off. We also got the food that we bought all packed up. That all for Family 6. Here are some pictures.
The other thing I did today was check out the website that shows second-hand items and even though we had a tentative plan to go get a table from a lady’s house about an hour and half from here but we couldn’t go til Sat. late afternoon/evening (in the dark). This is something I didn’t want to do and I knew that my husband doesn’t like to do things like that on Sat. evening as he usually likes to keep that part of the week clear if at all possible.
Anyway, I decided to take a few minutes and check out that website again and see if anything new had been listed. About an hour before I checked someone had posted this table and chairs. This was the one I saw. I was intrigued. To make a long story short, I called the guy and told him I wanted it. He will bring it to us on Monday which will be a blessing as it means we don’t have to drive the hour and 10 minutes up his way to get it. This one is a table and only 8 chairs - which is what they asked for. I will see if we can find a couple more chairs, though, as my husband said, “They must be sitting somewhere!”
The part about this table that excited me was that it was the color - the exact color that the wanted - darker rather than light. And it has a pedestal, which is what I wanted to get. The chairs are sturdy looking. Plus, he only wants 500 PLN which is only about $125 for the table and chairs. I hate to “count my chickens before they are hatched”, but this guy will bring it to us on Monday and I’ll give him the money and he will get paid for bringing it. Hopefully it all works out.
Anyway, here are some pictures from today. I’ve had a long day of shopping and packing and I will let the pictures do the talking. Ewa had a lot of groceries in her car as well.
Here we got our haul on the landing.
A little closer on the landing
This is a good bit of the food - but you can’t see it all here - as some is out of range of the lens.
Ewa is wrapping the vacuum cleaner the kids are getting (boy, 20, sister)
A box of presents! Thank you so much for helping!
Trying to push it all down into this box. Ewa is an expert.
More gifts. We have to wrap the box they are in as well, but will use brown paper for the big boxes.
This all is food for Family 6 - the family of 10 with the house/fire.
I actually haven’t counted all the boxes here, but we have quite a few.
So maybe you can visualize at least a little of why I’m so tired this evening. Have a great day. Hopefully the day you are reading this (Sat.) won’t be so busy!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!