Noble Family Packages Family #5 - Update
This family group was a brother/sis combination. I have mentioned them before.
Their needs were pretty involved and you all helped me and we did well by them. Per person, we gave them the most - but that is fine - as they needed the most.
They needed the regular food items - which I tried to make “young people friendly” including some ramen noodles, cereals/milk and peanut butter and Nutella type things.
The young man had needed a bed, and we were able to find this one - donated to us - which we then got professionally cleaned. I know I wrote about this before and showed the lady who cleaned it.
But here is the pile of finished presents. The big package on the right - with the paper is also theirs.
The other big boxes were filled with multiple presents. After that I ran out of such big boxes and started using smaller boxes.
The blue boxes were filled with food. That one with a big arrow on it was full of cleaning supplies.
I know that you probably want to know a little more in depth of what we got them - and so now is my chance to show you a few pictures of what we got brother/sister.
Here is an overall picture.
Here Ewa is helping push the duvet covers and pillows all in a big box.
The sister (17 years old) loved black so I gave her black bedding and that black blanket plus a new duvet cover and pillow. The brother got navy blue and then that golden blanket. I gave them also quilts - the guy got the blue quilt that was back by the window. I gave her a quilt that at least had a black-ish backing. I gave him a multi-purpose tool, underwear, noise suppressing headphones and both got some in ear ear buds. I tried to think what I like when it comes to technology, but also what my kids might like.
Of course, some of the things that made this go up in value was that we gave them some technology. Also we are providing for the young man to have a driver’s course - and we are currently working on that as he needs to have a doctor’s exam first. He’s getting closer to getting that started. Having Christmas looming in a few days is making things a bit harder, but he’s working on it. I did make this voucher for him.
I kind of thought they’d call right away, but he waited til Wednesday to make contact. Maybe he was busy buying shoes until then. We also gave both the guy and his sis gift cards so they could get their own shoes and then with leftover money, get whatever else the store had such as socks or slippers, etc.
While I bought the guy clothes as needed, I gave the girl a gift card to H&M which is a clothing store from Sweden, where she could go buy her own clothes. I visited the store found here and thought the prices were quite reasonable. They weren’t dirt cheap - but not crazy expensive, either. That’s why I chose that store. I know it has a bad rep as “fast fashion” but I think of that as a place that is even cheaper. ?? Maybe. I don’t know.
I think we ended up giving her about $300 in value for her to get herself underwear, some shirts, pants, sweaters - whatever she needed/likes and importantly - fits!
Anyway, after we got all the presents wrapped, we piled them to the side along the window in our living room as shown above. We took the gifts on Sat. afternoon at 2 pm.
This is how they got the presents from our vehicles to the inside of the school.
Here they are at the school - waiting to be delivered to the end family. We did not go to this home. We thought that given their age, they would have been seriously embarrassed to have us there.
They received a total of 24 boxes or things. For example, that couch/bed counted as one “thing”.
And there you go. This gives you an overview of what we gave these two young people. It’s not everything - but a good overview. I did also get the young lady a smart watch, a laptop and included in the technology for the guy was a phone and a hard drive.
And there you - thanks again for all you did to help us with this effort!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!