"Polish folk shirts"

I finished this one! Yes, I did!

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I originally posted about the top back in June! Here.

The actual pattern is a free one by Moda. The link is here. Thank you, again, Moda! The original pattern is called Sunshine. Once again, I’m so grateful for such a fun pattern that Moda is willing to give to us! Such a gift! We love you, Moda! (Ok, if that isn’t a bit sappy, then I don’t know what is! It’s almost as bad as saying “Thank you” to Google home when they give you some info you asked about.)

The quilt roll!

The quilt roll!

It’s a fun pattern to do! I loved it. I didn’t grow tired of it and I could easily do it again - seriously. While making it, the neckline was a bit tedious, but they explain carefully how to make the collar, and it got faster the more I did.

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It would also make a wonderful memory quilt pattern from some loved ones’ shirts.

When I quilted this quilt, in order to help the collars stand up, I quilted under them and around the neckline like this:

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I noticed that this helped the collar stand up much better after washing. I swirled my way around most of it.

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I even made this one the size that their pattern called for. I purposely chose NOT to make a large quilt - wanting to keep it to a small enough quilt to use in my living room - for display. It’s adorable and I’m in love. I hate to be such a softie when it comes to quilts, but it seems like the ones I really like, well, I really like them!


Here are big pics of several of the shirts.

Just click on the arrows that will go left or right. Otherwise, they will change automatically.

I struggled with the wind a bit today - and it was chilly!

I struggled with the wind a bit today - and it was chilly!

In the end, I’m terribly pleased with this quilt.

If you think you can’t do it, then just try ONE shirt - following their pattern closely. I think you would be able to do it as well!

And there you are! Your eye candy for today!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!

Becky Petersen5 Comments