a "Modified Trunk Show" today in Hernando County, FL
When we were asked to come to the Hernando County Quilt Guild and do a trunk show, I was intrigued. This conversation took place last week when we had a group of ladies in the shop. A lady was asking Rachael if she couldn’t please come do a trunk show in one of their meetings.
She begged. She cajoled. Rachael remained uncommitted while she thought and waited on others.
I said “Yes”. After all, isn’t a trunk show, just means showing your quilts, right? Maybe talking about them? I have dozens of them here in Florida and I could certainly do that even if Rachael didn’t have time.
However, after I said, “Yes,” and then told her that it would have be soon, however, as I would be leaving on August 3, she suggested Thursday - as in “the next Thursday”. I thought, “Sure, Why not?” Rachael looked at me a little nervously, but I figured I could handle it myself. I can take care of myself, right?
This group is only about 45 minutes from our store - so I could do that.
Then, I said, “So I can just bring my quilts to show you, right?” She shook her head, “No— bring quilts that you have kits for.”
Hmm. Now things are getting complicated. What did I just commit to?
“And bring along some new fabrics that you have gotten in - our ladies love to shop!”
OH…Oh…This isn’t quite what I had thought.
So, Rachael had mercy on me, realizing that the shop part isn’t actually my forte - and she’s come through, as usual.
Here’s what the back of her van looks like.
We’ll be leaving in the morning to get there before the guild meeting starts so we can set up. We aren’t taking a HUGE amount, however, simply because we have heard half of the group isn’t there - so this should be PLENTY for 15-20 quilters to buy!
The guild meeting starts at 10 am and the location is
Jerome Brown Community Center
99 Jerome Brown Blvd.
Brooksville 34601
If you want to take a look at what we have and meet some new quilters - I’m sure they would welcome you in. This is a very friendly and down-to-earth group of quilters!
We are bringing some pieces since quilters love to look through pieces, 3 yard backing cuts, the quilt kits that my sis has ready and cut and packaged and various precuts that we have in the shop.
There will be quite a bit to look at and enjoy if you come! Be sure to check us out if you have that desire. Of course, quite a few of you will not even know about this til it is over - so we’ll try to share some photos and let you know how our first ever “trunk show” of sorts, went.
Rachael said to let you know if you live nearby - that this is something we can do - so just contact her. Maybe your guild would enjoy the contact with our shop! Just write us or call us for more information - 352-507-8458.
And now you know…another thing we’re up to.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!
This bundle pack featuring Tim Holtz/FreeSpirit fabrics can be purchased here!