Patriotic Week, part 5
Some of you reading here remember that I now have a family member in the US Armed Forces. My son-in-law joined the Air Force as an officer in 2019 - not long before COVID hit everywhere. As a result, of course, I’ve learned more about the US military than I knew before. (I didn’t know much before, so that’s not exactly saying a lot, however - they are in Enid, OK.)
However, my sis got in some very nice panels that feature armed services. I know, I know…we don’t have the navy or coast guard. When they become available, I’m sure we will get them!
Then we have two different ones that feature flags - my advice only would be to make sure that it doesn’t actually look like “a flag” if you know what I mean. When you get the quilt finished - make it obvious that it isn’t a real flag so no one gets offended if you sit on this quilt! Both of these are amazing!
Then we have a few panels that just feature America - as simply America.
Since I live in Poland, normally, a lot of people there think that NY, NY “is” “America”. I shake my head and tell them that most people I know have either not been to “the Big Apple” or if so, “just visited” - but don’t actually live there or ever did.
Here are a few panels that represent a variety of scenes in various places in America, rural America, or nostalgic America.
Then, while I’ve not shown you EVERY single one we have, I couldn’t resist ending this week leading up to July 4 with this panel - as you should appreciate this one!
Americana Stars
I know I’ve shown this one to you before, but this is one I’m sleeping under while I’m in FL - I made it after watching a video on You Tube. It’s called Americana Stars.
I’ve only personally made about 3 or 4 patriotic/Americana quilts, though I’d like to change that - and maybe bring back some tops next time I come back to be used for Quilts of Valor. The main reason for that is that I have some Americana fabric there in Poland and I might as well use it up!
If you are looking for simply “patriotic fabric” that we have - just go here. There is quite a bit of it. If your group is looking for name brand patriotic, just check out what we have in this section - some of you all keep an eye out and regularly clean us out - though during COVID, this happened less with our patriotics - it appears a lot of those groups kind of went on ‘hold’. I expect the groups that sew for the vets to pick up again - soon!
Here are some mighty nice fabrics that we have over in our patriotic section! Take a look! This is just a sampling.
There you go! While I’ve made a couple “other” Americana quilts - I’m done featuring these fabrics and quilts for now even though I do love these fabrics and think they are beautiful! Maybe there is something I’ve shown that you can use!
Enjoy! Have a safe and fun July 4th. I hope that all of us Americans can be grateful for the freedoms that this country provides us!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!