St. Augustine Revisited
Day two of our trip to St. Augustine at the end of June 2021.
My number one thing that I wanted to do when visiting St. Augustine was to visit the ocean. It had been a long time since I had set foot on a beach and actually gotten wet in salt water. So, Tuesday morning we planned a short trip to the beach. We are not beach bums, despite living in Florida, and knew that we’d get burned pretty quickly out there. We did have SPC 50 suntan lotion with us, but forgot to apply it.
We knew, however, that we didn’t want to the spend the day at the beach, just a few minutes. So, we packed up the beach bag and headed out to find the most isolated beach we could find.
We took some pictures for proof that we stood in the water, and then sat on the beach for 20 minutes. (We timed ourselves), so as not to end up like roasted lobsters and wouldn’t be able to enjoy the rest of the time on our trip. We then packed up and went home, got all of the salt water off, and headed to the other main place I had wanted to go:
The Alligator Farm Zoological Park.
I had wondered how you could make a whole bunch of alligators into a park, but I definitely wanted to see these beasts up close and in person. So, we spend the afternoon there, being entertained by everything from bird shows, to fun times taking pictures, to watching an alligator feeding.
Then we decided for an early supper, because we had only snacked at lunch, so we headed over to Ned’s Southside Kitchen, which is where we had been told was the best eating down home cooking in St. Augustine. I had lasagna and Ken got pot roast. He was positive that his tased like prime rib in gravy. Evidently it was. They said that they used leftover prime rib for the pot roast. It was delicious!
This was the grand sum of the bolted fabrcis in St. Augustine. I guess most of the people shop at the main quilt shop in town or else order from us at online! This was at Walmart.
Fabric? Textiles? It was now after 6 p.m. and we hadn’t seen a fabric all day. That would never do. Unfortunately, the only place open after 6 that had fabrics that we hadn’t seen yet was Walmart. So we wanted to see what this particular Walmart had. This is the sum total of what they had on the bolt, for quilting cottons. It’s no wonder people enjoy coming to Quilted Twins! I just wish we had more space, so we could supply even more!
When we returned to the airBnB, we were greeted by a healthy version of my kitty, Cinnamon, that I had to put down a couple of months ago. This gray Russian Blue is the spitting image of Cinnamon. She even let me pet her and had the same ears back expression! (I didn’t talk much about that because we were dealing with Mom and the COVID problem at the same time.)
There’s something about being in the sun all day that takes the energy right out of you. We decided to stay in and rest the rest of the evening. After all, the purpose of this trip was to rest, right? Well, at least for us it was to find something different to do, rest and check out other fabric stores, if we could, so we could try to do better than we’re currently doing.
I was happy. My two biggest things that I had wanted to do in St. Augustine were now checked off my list. Anything else we did was “pure gravy” in my book.
By the way, by bedtime, that 20 minutes sitting on the beach, plus the 15 or 20 minutes in the water getting our pictures was enough for us to get toasty red. We’re thankful we didn’t stay one minute longer!
Have you been to St. Augustine? What did you love? It’s such a cool tourist town!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Stay safe!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!