Cultural: Palm Sunday in Poland in 2021

This is mostly a repost of a previous post from 2018. However, I’ll add some “2021” changes and adjustments for this year.

Poland is a Roman Catholic country - in fact, It is widely considered to be the most Roman Catholic country in the world. There are others that are are in competition to that title, but at least according to some, Poland has the highest percentage of practicing Roman Catholics - more than Italy or Mexico, for example.

As such, traditional Christian holidays are widely celebrated here.

So how do the Polish people celebrate Palm Sunday?

On Palm Sunday we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem when he arrived to celebrate the Passover with his disciples before his crucifixion.  That is why the palms - people waved palm branches as he rode on the donkey. Palm trees grow naturally in Israel. Not so here in Poland.

So what do they use to celebrate this date?

Well, they take these "palm branches "which they either make or buy or find a pussy willow by some water, and create one and take it to the church to have holy water sprinkled on it. Of course, they aren't really palm branches - they are a stick with some flowers and other decorative things on them on it.

They are not expensive. They cost about 6 zl - so under $2.

They are not expensive. They cost about 6 zl - so under $2.

Here's a bunch of them I saw on Saturday for sale in a local supermarket - Piotr i Pawel (Peter and Paul).

After church they take the blessed "palm branch" home and they are placed over a sacred image in the home - probably a figurine of Mary or a saint, or put it over the front door - to ward off bad things from happening.

-photo from google images

-photo from google images

They often have parades as well.

When our kids were in school, they made one of those branches in their arts and crafts class.  Can you imagine doing that in the states?  LOL

This marks the beginning of the official Easter week.

Incidentally, while we (we are Baptist, not Catholic) do not celebrate Palm Sunday this way, we usually do talk about it - and in Sunday School our kids learn about it and see pictures of how it would have looked. My husband has some pictures of Jerusalem that he likes to show to help people imagine what it was like for the people back then as Jesus came down the street of Jerusalem riding a donkey.

Here's a picture that my son, Daniel, took when he and my husband went a couple of years ago. It's a panorama of Jerusalem.

photo - Daniel Petersen

photo - Daniel Petersen

And that's all for this cultural post!

I hope today finds you having a wonderful day wherever you are reading!

About Palm Sunday in 2021.

What it looks like for churches - they are restricting attendance at churches to one person for every 20 square meters of space in the building.

People are to wear masks in church and remain 1.5 meters apart from each other.

These restrictions just started Saturday - the day this post is visible in 2021.

Up until Saturday the limits had been 1 person for every 15 square meters which is how it has been for months now. I do not know if anyone is counting as they have not been counting at the grocery stores where they have more or less the same type of policy.

I do not think that there will be many if any, parades that might normally happen. This year currently we are being hit hard with COVID with our worst results since it all started last year - right now. We are daily breaking the wrong kinds of records and many have sick family members. In fact, I have talked to several people this week here in Poland who have siblings who are sick.

We need to pray for our countries! May it be on our hearts - “God help us!”



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