Ewa's Two Quilts
I thought I’d share with you a little bit about these two quilts today.
Ewa is a lady I met here in Poland through our give-away group - freecycle type. I was giving away batting scraps and she came to get some. We started talking and eventually became friends. I’ve made her a few quilts - let me show you. The two memory quilts were for her MIL from bother her FIL and her BIL’s shirts. The Itsy Bitsy memories was for her husband whose dad and brother both are not here on this earth anymore. The Water Ways one was for both of them.
I also gave her mom this quilt as I had asked the Lord to show me where to give this one. When Ewa indicated her mom would love it, I gave it to her gladly. Her mom loves wrapping herself up in it like a burrito.
But now…Ewa…has started making quilts from scraps and things I’ve given her and other sources she has. She has really specialized in using other people’s scraps so far.
She did get a machine and is having a good time making fidget mats and other things along with exploring sewing quilts. IMO, she’s the perfect age to get into quilting - her son is 17 and really independent. (It’s my opinion, this age of person is where the industry should be targeting new quilters.)
She brought some tops to me and gave them to me for charity - things she and her mom had made. I decided to go ahead and finish them up for our organization - Fundacja Opoka.
Then, because I knew she and her mom had worked on the tops together, I asked her if she was sure she wanted to give them to me as she might to keep at least a couple of them for herself! She hesitated and decided that, yes, she did. Her mom has has been struggling with some major medical issues the last few years and she realized just how precious these quilts might actually be.
So, I gave her back the first quilt - but first I quilted it with loops.
It’s here.
I had added the borders while I thought it was going to be a simple charity quilt.
Then, she asked for the other top back - one she and her mom had made together.
(Eeek. I had already trimmed it some!)
I told her I thought I would just go ahead and finish it for her if she wanted me to.
She said, “Sure!” (Whew!)
And so I did.
Here is that one.
So far I’ve not made labels to go on the backs but I will, when I set up my embroidery machine - I’ll do two labels and let her put them on her own quilts.
I did put some words right in the quilting of the second one—I’m not really very good at that yet. She told me I could just use English. It is easier for me, anyway, obviously. I threw in a few hearts along with the loops and their names. I thought that would make it unique.
In this one I wrote “Ewa and her mother, Jola, made this.”
In this one, I used their full names.
And there you are. It’s only the second time I’ve actually finished something like this and given it BACK to the sewist!
You long-armers can smile at me. It’s a bit nerve-wracking to work on another person’s quilt top! I think you all are amazing!
This was in 2014.
The other one was this which was made by my friend, Monika, from Otwock, who I also showed how to quilt.
She actually had gotten discouraged with this top and gave it back to me in a bag of scraps I bought from her. So, I decided to finish it and give it back to her. I’m curious if she still has it. She actually used a lot of her own scraps.
Anyway, Ewa now has at least two quilts that are joint projects with her mom and herself. I’m happy about that.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Thanks for coming along on my journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!