“Checkered” update - UP Greens #8 progress report! Yes! Again!

I finally put my nose to the grindstone and got busy on this one and focused a little harder.

Now it is getting much closer to getting finished.

In fact, I’m planning on making the next one, the last update on this one. Yikes. I started this one back in February! Of course, a lot of water has run under that proverbial bridge since then.

One thing I did was just sit and make up those 16 patches I need for it. I kept going and going. We’ll see if I miscounted - I may have done so, but if so, I can make up the last few as I see what I do need.

Once I finish this top to the end, I need to take some time and just steam and steam it and clean it up a bit. I see that piece sticking out of the seam. The creases have been formed a bit by having that top sit so long it the plastic container I’ve had it in. But like I said before…it’s been while since I started this one.

I am so pleased with it - and probably will go ahead and finish it this year as I plan to straight line quilt it.

Even if I had a long arm, I think this kind of quilting might be easier on a domestic than a long arm. At least from what I’ve seen with using a ruler and such - it seems like it would be easier to just sit down and using the walking foot, just to get it done!


And there you are! Finally - seeing big time progress!


Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

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