Quilted Twins

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5 Reasons why I Machine Bind my Quilts

I machine bind my quilts.


I’ve admitted it openly for the world to see!

I know. I know. It’s not the “right way” to do it.

It is, however, the way I do it.

Please give me a minute to explain!


Let me give you these 5 reasons why I machine bind my quilts.

  1. The sewing machine makes a much stronger binding than I can sew by hand.

  2. It’s much faster to machine bind. I could do a decent job by hand, but even working hard, it took about 30 minutes per side of the average queen size quilt - so 2 hours for the final stage alone (the hand sewing at the end) when I did them by hand. Needless to say - machine binding is much, much faster.

  3. I have no guilt due to unfinished quilts lying around. Because I can finish them faster, it relieves me of the guilt that I feel when I have a bunch of quilts that are ‘almost finished but not quite done’ due to the time involved with binding.

  4. It adds a bit of a nice look to the top of my quilt. I actually “like the look” of a topstitched quilt binding since I sew the binding to the back, flip it over and topstitch on the front.

  5. It’s easier on my body to machine bind. I noticed that both my eyes and my hands are beginning to resist some of the finer work - and the faster I can get that part done - the better. Do I need to spell it out? I don’t think so.

Note - if I had to hand bind a quilt again - I could. I know how (I used to do it for all my quilts). I just choose not to.

All of these charity quilts are machine bound.

I am not making quilts that go into shows and if that were required for shows, then I would do it.

So there you are - I machine bind. It’s the only way I could finish the quilts I do.

Let me add - one of these days I’m going to try a flange binding AND on a different day - a decorative stitch on the edge. I just haven’t done those things yet!

Have a great day wherever you are.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

This fun panel features ladies who sew - by Loralie Designs. Only $9! Get yours now!

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