5 Reasons why I Machine Bind my Quilts

I machine bind my quilts.


I’ve admitted it openly for the world to see!

I know. I know. It’s not the “right way” to do it.

It is, however, the way I do it.

Please give me a minute to explain!


Let me give you these 5 reasons why I machine bind my quilts.

  1. The sewing machine makes a much stronger binding than I can sew by hand.

  2. It’s much faster to machine bind. I could do a decent job by hand, but even working hard, it took about 30 minutes per side of the average queen size quilt - so 2 hours for the final stage alone (the hand sewing at the end) when I did them by hand. Needless to say - machine binding is much, much faster.

  3. I have no guilt due to unfinished quilts lying around. Because I can finish them faster, it relieves me of the guilt that I feel when I have a bunch of quilts that are ‘almost finished but not quite done’ due to the time involved with binding.

  4. It adds a bit of a nice look to the top of my quilt. I actually “like the look” of a topstitched quilt binding since I sew the binding to the back, flip it over and topstitch on the front.

  5. It’s easier on my body to machine bind. I noticed that both my eyes and my hands are beginning to resist some of the finer work - and the faster I can get that part done - the better. Do I need to spell it out? I don’t think so.

Note - if I had to hand bind a quilt again - I could. I know how (I used to do it for all my quilts). I just choose not to.

All of these charity quilts are machine bound.

All of these charity quilts are machine bound.

I am not making quilts that go into shows and if that were required for shows, then I would do it.

So there you are - I machine bind. It’s the only way I could finish the quilts I do.


Let me add - one of these days I’m going to try a flange binding AND on a different day - a decorative stitch on the edge. I just haven’t done those things yet!

Have a great day wherever you are.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

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This fun panel features ladies who sew - by Loralie Designs. Only $9! Get yours now!

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