A Little Bit of Several Things

I am working on something for a fundraiser for sick kids from our town. I mentioned this a few days ago now.

I was asked to make 2 quilts for this. Well, time is running out so I decided I had best “get going” on them.

I’ve been debating what to do while I worked on up Greens “Checkered”. (Ok, I did get all the rest of my little strips made, trimmed and in a zipper type bag so I can finish that one up! YEAH!)

I just HAD to get going.

Now they (the people who are organizing this sale) want two quilts - one for sale at a given price and it will be put in a room where people can go look at it - like a museum. The other one is going to be up for auction.

My first “Sweetness and Light”

I don’t know which will be which, but I’ve only decided “for sure” on the first one - the one I called “Sweetness and Light” - a quilt I made before from someone’s shirts I got from the upcycled group I’m in here in our town.

I thought it would be cool to make something from second-hand items received from people HERE in our TOWN to be made for sale to people here FOR the sick children in our town.

I’ll let you know how it goes. I got the center done today — the first one. I’m going to have to step on the gas to get them BOTH done. The difference now is that I’m not making huge quilts this time. I decided that since people here don’t actually want to pay “that much“ for this kind of thing, I’ll keep them both to large lap sizes - about 50x70 all the way to about 60x80.

I’m using 6 different shirts for this one and all of them came from one lady I met through this Facebook group I joined locally. What I still need to do is trim it up and add the borders. Since the final border is a piano key border, it will take a bit of time, but it’s much faster than a different type of pieced border.

Then, I must get going on the second one. I’ve been going around and around on what to do. If I had planned better, I would have had time to make a REALLY nice one.

However, what kept me from doing that was simply the idea that they don’t truly appreciate sewing as a real art here yet, so I don’t want to spend a lot of time. What I thought would be truly COOL would be this one - but really - that took so much time - so unless I had some assurance that it would bring a minimum amount (a LOT) I didn’t want to spend as much that this would take. Maybe next year I’ll just do a block a month and that way I can spread out the work throughout the year. That way I’m at least tricking myself into thinking it wasn’t much work. LOL

Remember this one?

It’s draped over my couch. I’m not going to part with it.

But the second one I do really needs to be quick and easy. I’m still debating on what to do but I think I shall need to really dig in and work (hard!) the next couple of days.

Today I also had another phone call from yet another Noble Packages (Christmas charity organized and run by Polish people) worker from our area - the town where our church is located (about 3 miles away). She told me about a man who lost everything in a fire and is sleeping on a mattress on the floor and needs a quilt (or two). So, tomorrow (the day you are reading this), I’ll take one or two to her to get to him. My heart goes out to people who have lost everything.

I had previously told this lady, Dorota, that if she heard of anyone who was in an especially bad situation to not make them wait until Christmas - that I would be happy to supply them with a quilt NOW - esp. since it is getting chilly.

This is the first time she has called me. Up til now, it has been 2 different social workers (Urszula and Anna) who have let me know about needs locally.

Then, another lady, Monika, is planning on moving soon, so she needed to sell some of her scraps of fabric - so I bought them from her. I had to go over to her house today to get them. They look fun - they are pretty much all Polish fabrics. What I can, I will cut up into squares for charity quilts for Eva’s mom to sew up for me or use them to add to tops Fran has sent me. What won’t work for that will probably mostly get chopped into strips. A few larger pieces will probably be backings.

A side note -

I spent some time cooking yesterday and today so I can just serve up leftovers for our big meals for the next couple of days. That leaves me more time to focus on getting some of what I’m trying to get done, done!

fresh from the washing machine - the one with gray on it came that way new - it has a bit more scrubby action on the heads.

So there you go. Oh, I also called and talked to mom for quite a while today. I’m trying to call her every week but I don’t always succeed. When dad was alive, he was the one we always talked with, so it is still strange to have a talkative mom on the phone.

I’m also still working on the floor - daily using my Bissell floor mop. It is still kind of cool for me to use! Some day it will get all truly clean again.

Every time I do it, the mops get dirty. When those fabric mop heads can run over the floor and not get gray from the dirt on the floor then I will have confidence I’m finally making good headway on getting all the ‘yucky stuff’ up.


Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have! (Well, the term ‘beauty’ might be a stretch for most of us - but, maybe we can say ‘interesting’!)

Becky Petersen6 Comments