Quilted Twins

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It's My Own Fault!

So now the pressure is really on me - big time.

Today I got a note from the lady who talked to me about the quilts for the sick children - telling me that they are goign to be taking pictures…and could I bring them to the cultural center (implication was today)…

I swallowed hard and wrote her back, “Can I have three more days?”

She wrote back and said, “Yes.”

I figured Friday afternoon nothing is really going to happen! Nah, not really. People are ready to go home and come back on Monday.

Let me show you what’s up with these. I did manage to get the first top finished. Here it is - Sweetness and Light. It’s not huge. It’s about 50”x70”.

As I’m thinking of these, I’m trying to figure out what pattern I had that was simple but had a lot of crowd appeal. I want to go simple just because it is something I didn’t want to invest a LOT of time in.

But, in order to get good money, it must appeal to a good number of people - so that they will say “Ooh, that’s really nice, I want it!” That’s the only way I will be able to get enough money to make it worthwhile. But I will admit, my participation in this is far more than JUST money for the sick kids. It is advertisement for the popularity of patchwork/quilting as something worth paying for, for the freecycle group that I’m a part of and of COURSE, for physical therapy for the sick kids.

And…to be perfectly honest, part of me is flattered to have been asked. But not too much so. I remind myself it’s about as flattering as an MLMer telling a “friend” that they would be great at selling such and such and would be a fantastic part of their team! (Well, maybe not quite that bad!)

I had a lot of ideas but I ended up deciding to do this. I went through and chose purples and blues and decided to make a bento box - which of course, is just a quarter log cabin block - 2 different blocks with the colors reversed.

At first I was going to make a simple one - but then I decided to dress it up a bit - by making my blocks smaller but adding a nice border. Here’s my plan. Of course, mine is going to be much more scrappy than this.

I decided that I had to get the first half of the blocks done today - and then by noon tomorrow, hopefully have all the blocks done. Then I’ll put the blocks together and add the border. Then I’ll have to get busy sandwiching and quilting. I’d like to be done by 6 pm on Sat. for the top on this second one. I’ll have to get busy sandwiching on Saturday evening and get those done. I’ll see what happens. These aren’t large quilts, so hopefully the actual quilting won’t take too long.

Here’s a sample of some of what I’m doing.

By the time I stopped sewing in order to come write this blog post, I did have the first 24 blocks done and got going on the second blocks. (My layout will take 48 blocks - 24 of each style).

So there you are - I am going to have to step on it to get these done - that is, sandwiched and quilted, but if my machine will work well, it is do-able.

As I said, “It’s all my own fault!” I’ll keep you posted on my progress!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along with me on my quilting/sewing journey!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!

Here’s one of the beauties we have!

The panel is here! It’s amazing!

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