Pillowcases! What beauty!
I will say that I now understand the allure of pillowcases. Ok, I already did - afer making a few of my own a few years back.
I really do appreciate so much all of the pillowcases you have sent me! So far, in fact, we’ve received 1569 pillowcases! This is absolutely wonderful because it leaves me with a lot to choose from as I go about matching up pillowcases to quilts.
All in one mixed up pile
The other day I knew I had to do something about the huge pile of them! I needed to divvy them up into categories because I was having a hard time finding the ones I was looking for (novelty) as they were all sort of just thrown into 2 or 3 huge boxes.
So I did.
I made several piles - florals, solids, blenders, geometrics, and novelties. As I separated them out, I found all the blue/yellow pillowcases and put them together so I could easily find them next time I have a blue/yellow quilt (thanks)! It was very thoughtful of several of you to make me them/us!
I went through my auction site and counted how many pillows I’ve bought and received since the end of February for these bundles PLUS the charity quilt sets I’ve done. It was 662. Plus I’ve ordered directly from some websites that sell pillows. So, at least 800 pillows so far! I think the courier people are tired of delivering pillows!
But I guess - really - what could be easier to deliver than pillows? I know - something small, right?
I actually thought it was a pretty good color match. :) Unfortunately my helper did not.
Let me show you the piles of pillowcases. I wanted to add that the ladies who help me are also enjoying them!
While I match up the pillowcases with the quilts before they come over and help, I’ve told them if they hate what I chose, they can go and find something else and use it. Occasionally they do change them out. Here’s one I know Lena changed. She changed it to a plain white on white one. I kind of liked this one - but I don’t take it personally when they change. :)
Obviously if there is a pillow attached to the quilt I leave it with it - and use it. I appreciate those incredibly as well.
What you can’t really see well here is that there is a quilt and on top of the quilt - a pillowcase. I stack them in piles so helpers can just pick up the combination and work from there. I figured it saves a lot of time. If each person had to find their own pillowcase it would take much, much longer.
The next step to the process is putting pillowcases on pillows. Then they go back into a stack again. This is what that looks like.
What did I do with the leftover pillowcases at the end?
Rachael suggested giving them away to our normal charity quilt recipients :) I may very well start giving two pillowcases once we get the big load in and I kind of get an idea of what we are getting.
Anyway…that’s all for now. Have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks so much for coming along on this journey with me!