
A while ago a lady (Paula Thomas) wrote me about making some hats in blue and yellow. I said, “Sure, that would be cool! I’m sure I can give them away!”

Yesterday the box arrived.

Today we woke up to snow.

I thought to myself, “Great, it’s a wonderful day to give away all those blue and yellow gorgeous hats! When it is warm outside, it is harder to give away a warm hat, but when the wind is blowing and it’s snowing, it’s actually quite easy. :)

But these were beautiful! I say, “were” because I only have one left.

One lady who has been helping us took one for her teenage daughter - and I didn’t get her photo.

Then, I went to the place where they were sorting clothing and talked with the ladies and gave them 4 to give away today to Ukrainian women. They said they were sure they would go.

Then I went into the place where I have donated many things where Ukrainian women are staying - and after asking them what they need, I took four out of the box in the car and walked back in and asked them if they thought any ladies in there would like them. One of the volunteers said, “Sure”. Then I threw a monkey wrench in it and said, “May I take your photo - I need to show the lady who made them.” So the volunteers grabbed two Ukrainian ladies who were walking by and said, “Here try it on” - for the photo. So they posed. But afterwards, when I told them they could HAVE them, they were pleased. Touched.

I told them a lady from Nebraska in the USA made them for them.


Then we have two young people staying at the church building from the Kiev area. They are 22 and 17 years old. They each wanted one.

I will say that one young lady said if they were scarves, she would love one! (I don’t think she wears hats.) I can imagine a blue and yellow scarf would be cool as well!

Anyway, this was a bit of fun today to give them away. I have one left and it is in my car - ready to take to the last lady who asked for it. She is a Facebook friend, and I will try to get it to her this weekend.

This is why it was great weather to give these away today. It snowed all day and it is right about freezing.

Paula, who shipped these to me, did have to pay over $50 for the shipping of the box, but they arrived with perfect timing! Thank you!

This is not to say that I want every one to go and make hats - but it is to say that you all are wonderful and I appreciate you.

I thought you’d like to see these photos - they brought a smile to my face today.