"Just how do you feel?"
The chef and his wife (in the red apron) and a couple of helpers in the kitchen at one of the places who has been housing orphans and other refugees. Otwock, Poland (We had just taken in some food)
“Hello, this is Channel 13 calling. Could we talk to someone about the Ukrainian project?”
“Hello, I’m trying to get ahold of someone there who could talk to us about the fundraising that you’re doing for the Ukrainians.”
“I just heard about you, and I’d love to support our local businesses. Would you come to our club meeting and talk about it?”
All three of these episodes happened within the past 10 days. I must admit that it’s a bit unnerving, and totally out of my comfort zone.
The first interview… TV camera visible… it’s huge!
Being contacted by the news is entirely OUT of our day to day experience. We rarely have any interaction with any kind of news media, social media, professionals who are involved with publication of any kind or anyone remotely famous. In fact, if a city commissioner stops through the store, it’s a “big news” day for us!
There’s always the fear that you’ll say something stupid, and especially with television, that it will be captured in a video format and haunt you forever. Then there’s the fear of what question will they ask me. Trust me when I say that they do NOT warn you ahead of time what they are going to ask you. In fact, you seldom even know whether they are “for or against” what you’re doing. One thing is true, every time I’ve ever been interviewed, the reporter has been 100% fascinated by what I’m doing.
A week ago Tuesday was no exception. I happened to come back to the computer to answer someone’s question about availability to use our sewin’ shop, and I could sense urgency. Instead of waiting until evening, like I would normally do, I came back immediately to the main building to check a couple of different schedules, so I could correctly answer the question. That’s when I saw the text message from Channel 13. Briona wanted an interview. I called back within 10 minutes of her texting us. Seeing that text within 10 minutes was a pretty “minor miracle” right there.
I tried to dissuade her from driving up from Tampa, since I had no impressive piles of anything for her to see and film. However, she and her camera man came. That very day. In fact, after we hung up from the phone, she left Tampa almost immediately. They saw, they studied, they interviewed, filmed, and questioned some more.
Then they left. I must admit that all evening I was on pins and needles, wondering what stupid thing had I unknowingly said that they’d decide to quote. After all, no one quotes the expected and the familiar. They want the different and the funny statements to quote.
But, to our surprise, the report was concise and about as complete as you can possibly state in 2 minutes or less. We were pleased to say the least.
Briona was talking to Becky. That’s Becky on the laptop screen.
Wednesday’s interview went a bit differently. This time they wanted to speak to Becky. To accommodate that wish, Becky got on Zoom. It was great to see and hear Becky talk about the project. It was their second visit.
However, when people ask me how I feel about things, I realize that I don’t really “feel” much. I’ve learned that I’m far more of a do-er and a “need-meeter” than a “feeler.” In other words, I don’t get up in the morning and do what I do based on how I feel. I do what needs to be done. If I did what I felt like doing right about now I’d be spending 12 hours a day in bed, resting!
Recently when I was talking to someone, I suggested that perhaps that the Lord had placed both of us in the positions where we are “for such a time as this” as Esther, in Scripture stated. (Esther 4:14). We could work together, as twins do, with Becky on one side of the ocean and me on the other, to raise this money to help people who have been horrifically displaced.
Who would have thought?
When this crazy thing started, people were asking if Becky was coming back. I’m ever so grateful that she stayed put, and that we’ve had this opportunity to be used a channel of blessing.
One of my husband’s favorite “fatherly” pastor friends was big into giving. He would challenge us as a church family, “The Lord will give more THROUGH you than TO you.” I never really believed that, as I had never seen or been in that position before. But now I know.
As I tried to describe the feeling of simply being a channel of blessing to Briona, the Channel 13 reporter, I was at a loss for words. You simply can’t describe it.
So, I’m thanking you all for allowing me to be a part of this amazing outpouring of love for people whom you’ve never met, and for showing that with giving that has far surpassed even my wildest imaginations. This is truly one of those situations where “the power of 2” is shown. Becky there and with us here in Dade City, the whole effort has been far more effective than just either one of us by ourselves.
So, thank you greatly for all you do, have done and continue to do to help the Ukrainian relief effort.
I am truly humbled and honored to be a part of this.
I had called Becky right in the middle of open store madness, when Bill Murphy showed up. I was doing it right in the white/white fabric aisle! Someone called Baynews 9 to get him to contact us!
Thanks, Rachael, for writing this from your perspective! What a blessing you have been - not everyone would have been willing to do the hassle of collecting money like you have! :) - Becky
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!