Spring Weather in Poland
We think the guy had a sense of humor (or revenge) when he put the package in this uppermost locker at our local “paczkomat”. Hmmm. How to get it out? (My visiting friend, Luda, went and found a stick and used it to pull it out.)
Our weather here varies from freezing cold to downright balmy! We’ve not had too much rain lately, so the mud is all gone. But it’s also pretty dry.
Some years the spring is rainy and wet - but the last couple weeks definitely has not been for us. For the Ukrainians it has been about as good of weather as it could have been for the time of year. Dry. Rain, when it is cold is just miserable and would make all that traveling even worse.
Just to give you an idea - the next week’s weather is projected to be like this.
As you can see, the next few days are scheduled to be pretty much the same - chilly at night and getting into nice temps during the day. Definitely spring weather!
Here in Poland there are some sayings that they use about the weather.
In March, it’s “in march it’s like a pot” - meaning variable - it changes all the time and cannot be predicted. One day it will snow and the next day sunny and windy. All the seasons are mixed up together.
“w marcu jak w garncu” is the Polish expression.
The next month - April we have another one - “kwiecień plecień, bo przeplata trochę zimy, trochę lata”.
It means that April is a braid - together is a little winter and a little summer. And that’s a good way to describe it. We don’t put away our winter clothes - except by the end of the month, our winter boots are usually put away. But long sleeve shirts and sweat shirts still stay out.
From now through til the first of May, the weather in Poland is definitely getting warmer - but we will still need heat - often through the end of April.
And I don’t mind all that. Cool weather gives me a lot of motivation to keep on quilting and sewing! I can’t wait to get back to finishing up those next 10 charity quilts!
There are parts of the US that are well into warm weather in the next few days - but I know some have had snow lately. Ours, while not as severe as some of you might think, we definitely still have some cold nights, especially, still in our future for this year.
I hope that helps! I know I like understanding what is going on weather wise in the area where the people I care about or read about.
Have a great day wherever you are reading! I appreciate your coming along on this journey with me.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Here’s one of the beauties we have!