Adding Borders to some Charity Quilt Tops
I want to take the time to show you these tops that you all sent to me via the boxes from Quilted Twins. These are the ones that I’ve managed to get borders added to so far.
I threw them all into a huge pile near the kitchen during the madness that was my life from March-August.
However, during the last week I dealt with that pile and found way more tops than I realized I had. This past week I measured and marked on each top the size. I then decided that a good way to ease myself back into sewing - in spite of the heat—was to just go ahead and ‘deal with these’ by adding borders.
So let me show you what I’ve done. These have not been pressed. I’m waiting for cooler weather to do that.
Sorry. I know…it pains me to do that, so where one seam crossed another, I tried to finger press well.
A purist would wait and press each seam before going to the next one. However, I’m not a purist. I will make sure to press well, however, before sandwiching and quilting these tops. Never you fear - if you are a donor- I will do my best to do justice to these tops!
It is always fun for me to work with your tops as they are always so different from what I do.
Here is what I’ve done. Once I get these pressed and trimmed even - they will look even nicer. I’m always tickled when I can walk to my stash and find something that looks just about like a perfect match in style and coloration! It amuses me, in fact! It doesn’t happen all the time though - sometimes I just match colors - but not the actual style of the fabrics.
I’m not telling you on each where I started adding. I’ll let you try to figure it out. it’s probably not hard - if not just by the lack of pressing. :)
I was going to try to get a few more than this done, but we are having this heat wave - which didn’t diminish really - and it has affected my productivity. Sadly. But it’s a fact. But soon it will turn cooler and I can go at things a little longer during the day.
I have cut borders for another 10 or so tops and have started sewing some of them! I have been trying to do 3 a day but got sidetracked by company coming and then packing up a trailer! Excuses, excuses. I know, but it’s also reality. That’s and the heat.
Anyway, thanks for coming along with me on this journey! I appreciate all you’ve done to help us here in Poland - for Polish people AND Ukrainians. You have been the best!
Thanks so much! Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
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