My Mom turns 90 - a Tribute
I am positive mom will not see this post unless my sis manages to show her. But as such, I guess I can say what I want about her. LOL.
Mom turns 90 today! Not many people make it to 90.
I give her credit for my sewing. How’s that?
Let me review a few highlights of my younger years and sewing.
When mom used to make our play clothes, we would be nearby since we didn’t have a tv to watch so we would hang around mom while she sewed - and she would say, “Oh, this long pant leg seam is boring for me - why don’t you do it?” She then moved off the sewing machine chair and either Rachael or I would sew that seam to the end. Of course, as a child, I believed her. Now I know it was her way of easing us into learning to sew first by simply sewing straight lines.
When sewing, mom also taught us to hold the fabric with two hands - one hand holding the fabric behind the needle while the hand in front guided it to through the needle. Basic fabric handling skills. Back then I was unaware that she was teaching us to act as our own walking foot by not allowing the fabric to feed in as it wanted. She was also teaching us to take control of that fabric by not allowing it to do whatever it wanted as it went through the needle.
Mom made almost all of our clothes. I remember buying my first dress with my own money when I got a job at about 16. It was exciting!
When I was in 9th grade - about 14, I had spent months working on an embroidered 8 panel skirt for home ec class. The day that were going to have a Fashion Show wearing our made items - I was putting it in the trunk of dad’s Dodge Dart and tried to the slam the trunk down on it and the trunk wouldn’t shut! Why not? I looked down at what I had done. “Oh NO!" I had slammed the trunk onto the skirt and made a hole in my masterpiece. I was devastated. Dad was taking us to school that day as he taught there. Mom said, “I’ll take care of it” and I handed my skirt to her, crying. Later that day she drove the 40 minutes to the Fashion Show and brought me my skirt - newly repaired with an applique over the hole. Since it was an embroidered skirt with lots of things to see, the fix didn’t stand out at all. Whew. Mom saved me on that one. I remember being so grateful. I have no idea where that skirt is - but it is one I wished I had kept.
Mom encouraged our sewing and always kept a machine in working order when we were teenagers. In 9th grade home ec class I remember being astonished that everyone didn’t sew! Shocking! One girl, especially told me, “Not everyone grew up with a sewing machine!”
Mom encouraged both of us to major in something practical in college. She had majored in Bible after studying in a music conservatory and studying voice. She ended up using her music by teaching piano and voice her whole life. Both Rachael and I chose to major in Education - Home Economics Education/Science minor. I then went on to get my MEd in Elementary Education. Rachael went off to teach. We’ve used our degrees in every aspect of our lives. Besides teaching Science and Home Ec, Rachael had a coupon clipping business and now the Quilted Twins - and I’ve used everything I learned in my various classes on nutrition and meal planning while in Poland and of course, all the sewing I ever knew, plus more since I started quilting.
Thank You Mom!
Many of you know I spent several months in FL last summer helping mom recover from COVID. I’m glad I was able to help her. I remember at least one of you commented in the blog post that I would never regret spending that time helping her.
And I’ve not.
Jeremiah showing her some bananas from off one of her trees.
At this point, sitting in a wheelchair for the length of a meal exhausted her. It was a challenge to get her from the wheelchair back into the van.
She is back up and walking - albeit with a walking stick/cane now. But she is able to drive herself places and do her own shopping and take care of herself!
In Florida they held a party for her on Saturday and four of our kids were able to be there - and I was there for a few minutes with a Google Meet invite. I am so appreciative.
Here’s the group that was at mom’s 90th birthday party - all who were related to mom by blood or marriage.
Mom is in the center, surrounded by kids (Rachael and my brother, Jon), grandkids (Lydia, Jeremiah, Sarah, Abby, Peter, Joseph and Daniel along with accompanying spouses when applicable) and great-grandkids (Adelyn, Laurence, Hazel, Emma, Nora, Joan, Joe, Katherine, Eleanor.
Rachael is in this photo below on the left - next to her husband in the blue shirt. I guess they met for ice cream. This group is cousins and their families PLUS Ken and Rachael.
Lydia, Abby, Daniel, Jeremiah. Four of our five.
The four of our own children who were able to be there are here in the photo to the right. I’m so glad they all were able to be there for mom’s 90th celebration. I know mom appreciated it!
I’m showing this quilt which I called Flowers for Mom because I made it for mom years ago now with embroidered designs with flowers. While dad was alive mom couldn’t have live flowers in the house because dad was allergic. I had thought this was a nice way for her to be able to have flowers in the house at any time.
The front of this quilt was a nod to mom’s love for flowers, and the back, to her love for music and the Bible since they are embroidered songs/hymns and Bible verses.All designs are from embroidery library.
I realize that both of us - Rachael and I obviously have the same mom - have a debt of gratitude for mom and how she helped/taught us and loved us through the years.
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