I finished binding all of the charity quilts I need to get done for this year! Yeah! Praise the Lord!
I am so thankful. Relieved.
I do have ten waiting which have been washed but need to be photographed, but all day today we had dripping rain - almost drizzle - way too wet to take my quilts outside to photograph - they would then need to redry. :)
Here are some photos from these last couple of days as I’ve tried to get done with the sewing, at least!
I set up 4 of these drying racks in this bedroom with my fabric - where they can dry in peace.
I really wanted to get these charity quilts done this year in spite of the fact that I spent the year working on Ukraine stuff. I could have just said, “No time. Can’t get it done this year.” That would have worked - but I wanted to see if I could get them done.
This is a pile of the ones that are now bound but need to be washed (there are more in other places).
And so now they are. But I’ve not gotten them washed and photographed yet - so you will have to wait. But you can be reassured that they are, at least done!
I still need to separate out all the batting and fabric pieces. I will donate the batting scraps, but trim down the fabric pieces into my strips.
Now I want to turn at least a little bit of my time the rest of the year to finishing up some of my own tops - as I’d like to finish up between 5 and 10 of my own during this month of December - using the long ar
How fun will that be? It will be great for me! I ordered some Hobbs cotton/poly batting and want to use it!
On almost all of these quilts I used a lot of my 2.5” strips which meant I tried to make them coordinate with the quilt itself but most of them were made up of multi colored bindings. Scrappy.
Here are a couple of photos as I put on the binding. I definitely machine bind the quilts. I do not use the binding tool that I do have - mostly because using it I can only do a single fold binding and I do prefer a double-fold since the binding receives so much wear and tear.
I now only have about 20 of these labels that I made in 2020 left. I made them after I had COVID and was too fatigued to do much of anything but I wanted to “do something”. I set up my embroidery machine and spent a week making (well the machine made them - I just supervised it) all the labels I needed for that year, 2021 and now 2022. For 2023, I will need more labels.
And that is it! It’s been a quick ride this year - and the long-arm completely made it much easier on my body. My wrist does not hurt nor do I even really feel it unlike other years. I am so thankful!
I’ll keep you posted on the details of these quilts. But you can be assured that at least they are all quilted and bound!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.
Have a great day wherever you are reading.
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