Chilhowie - Bonnie Hunter's 2022-23 Winter Mystery Quilt Fabric Bundle Story

… and so it begins!

On Monday, I was preparing to close the door behind me at our Air BnB in Houston, when I got a message from Becky on my phone telling me that “the colors are up” with a great deal of description about it. (I heard shortly after that from Chris Wells, as well, so I was well informed.) I knew exactly what they were referring to with, “The colors are up.” It meant that Bonnie Hunter had revealed her colors for the Mystery quilt that she does with clues beginning the day after Thanksgiving.

Well, I wasn’t comfortably seated behind a tablet, where I could study things, or deal with putting up an entry. I was making the nearly one mile trek to the George R. Brown Convention Center for our 8 a.m. meeting on the final day of Quilt Market.

I had previously arranged for Cheryl, one of our staff members, to hightail it down to our local Lowe’s for the color chips, and I had set up a template for the Fabric Bundle. However, until you know what fabrics are in it, it’s super hard to even try to plan for it.

To my credit, about a month ago now, I did order some neutral batiks since our store is low on those, so that I’d be able to have some neutrals. II felt like we had a ton of other colors already, since we do have over 600 batiks in stock.

Anyway, back to my story.

I was trying not to lag too far behind, but trying to explain (via texting) to Becky where the template I had prepared was, but I honestly didn’t remember, and finding things on my site from the backend (administrator end) on my phone is nigh unto impossible, if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

So, I gave up, and went to my seminar at 8 a.m. I tried to concentrate on what the speaker was saying (which was also nearly impossible.)

Afterwards, I found out that Cheryl had (unbeknownst to us all) ALREADY found Bonnie Hunter’s blog post and gone to Lowe’s and was already back to the store before I ever even notified her that they were up!

I found out that our local Lowe’s didn’t have all the cards, but it was enough to give us the feel for the  colors. While I was at seminars and meeting with Annie of ByAnnie and Fran and Donna, of the 3-yard quilt fame, Becky was getting the entry up.

I was relieved.

We got on the plane, and eventually got home at 2 a.m. on Tuesday. I’m sparing you lots of gruesome details.

Cheryl walked in around 9 a.m. and handed me the 3 strips of color cards – the exact right ones! They had them at her Lowe’s in New Tampa.

Ken made up some “color matching” set cards for us to pass out to customers who come in and need them. If you want to come in and pick out your own fabrics, we have these cards available for your use while in the store! Just ask for them.

Store was open at 9:30 a.m., and I was hoping for a good day! We did have a good morning, and by the time the last one was out the door, It was nearly 3 p.m. I was raring to go… I had already started hunting fabrics, but got some help from Cheryl again, and we searched the store for fabrics that we could use that would match the color cards. Cheryl did some mountain climbing in my chop shop to pull off the whites and some of the other colors that I had stashed away for just this occasion!

Then I paused for the photo moment!

I began cutting, and got the sample done of the regular cotton fabrics!! After supper, I got the official picture put into place, and sent out my email. You all have done fabulously in ordering!


I would like to ask you if you are in any group at all that might be interested in knowing that we have the fabric bundle, to please let them know that now we have both the regular cotton and the cotton batik bundles. Now, please don’t get yourself booted from that group. No need to give a direct link if your group doesn’t allow links, but if you can get them to “Quilted Twins,” on the home page, I have put up a nice big visible link for all who come near!

On Thursday in the store, we had a group of ladies from one of our local quilt guilds who came in to look at the bundles, and then decided it would more fun for all 4 of them to pick out their own fabrics and then go home and cut them into quarter yard pieces! Here they are! You all were a ton of fun!!


So, enjoy the pictures! The dark purple and the orange look gorgeous together. Toss in a white and Caribbean/aqua, and boy do you have a beautiful combination!

This is what the first batch of these looks like. We’re already well into our second batch now, and so if you order now, this is merely a reprentation! But we have plenty of beautiful fabrics.


Get yours HERE now. We have both the regular cotton and the cotton batik options available.

This is the 100% cotton batik bundle, or at least a sample. The first 15 to 19 will look like this.

It’s been a lot of fun this year. We love the colors, and we do have lots of them! Get yours HERE

Rachael Woodard2 Comments