Thank YOU so much from Ukraine - lots of photos
I have been getting photos from Ukraine - featuring food and supplies that we have sent, but I’m trying to focus on giving you photos of the quilt bundles because we were so engaged in this activity. However, I did throw in some photos of some people with bags of food or diapers if I recognized the food and/or diapers that we bought here in Poland. I have tried not to overload you with the nonquilt bundle photos simply because unless we know the people, they all tend to look similar - if you know what I mean.
On the other hand, it is good to show you - a good variety of pictures just because it is good to see.
So…here are some more photos - and to all of you who helped me get these quilts that we could share with people from Ukraine who are the most needy. Thanks so much!
I know there are a LOT of photos here - so you can move through them quickly to see what is there. I hope maybe someone sees “their quilt” being handed out. That is always so sweet!
Thanks again for coming along with us on this journey.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Feel free to browse the site.