Review of Last Week's Ukraine Efforts

We did a lot last week - the week of October 24-29. Let’s review.

We had just gotten over the trip my husband took to Ukraine - where he actually stayed for a week where he taught a course and then drove home.

I had been buying things for this trip for a while now as it was to go to the Kharkiv region and was being spearheaded by friends of a friend, Rachel Hughes, who is now in Otwock - in our area.

So, what did I do during this time?


Lena and I went shopping early on Monday and bought some more things that were heading to Ukraine on Thursday. We had to be quick, though, as I had gotten a phone call from the courier saying he would be there with my new machine at about 10 am. So, this is all I got - and then came on home. We picked up cleaning supplies and deodorant and things like that. Oh, some cooking oil, diapers, etc. You can see the photos.

Monday afternoon Mike and I went back to the church garage and we worked for some time, packing up some things into boxes and getting ready for the trip later in the week. We also took all the stuff out of the back of the van that Lena and I had bought in the morning.


I didn’t do really anything relating to Ukraine this day except get geared up for Wednesday which is when we were going to pack up everything that was in the garage. Well, that isn’t true. We had some more deliveries of stuff and it was put in the back of the van. (Adult diapers and flashlights) - the guy was putting the longarm together pretty much most of the day at our house.


We packed up this day. We had only three of us working plus the guy who delivers from the wholesale place, so Mike and I got an early start and then Lena came over to help us. Then, they brought the food over and then we finished up with the rest of the stuff. All in all, it was quite a while packing - between 3 and 4 hours.

I tried to show you photos of what we had for this trip, but here’s the kinds of things we had

Besides our blanket sets (we sent 140 of them), we had 30 wool blankets, 50 pillows and 100 pillowcases, lots of candles and ladies’ hygiene items, deo, Duct tape, hobby type knives (they call them that, but I think of them as work knives), heavy duty tarps to help cover up damaged buildings, first aid kits, etc. I’m trying to show in pictures.

The food was delivered and we put the food in the middle of the trailer - trying to keep the heaviest stuff over the axles. This was canned meat (think SPAM), chocolate spread (they wanted high caloric foods), soups such as instant soups that you just can add water to - easy to fix with minimal power, breakfast cereals, instant oatmeal, ramen type noodles, etc.

After we got the two + pallets of food put in, we went back and filled in the rest with all the rest of the stuff we had. I had tried to get light stuff as the last load was TOO heavy and we needed everything in the garage to go.

We were done by about 3:30 or 3:40 pm with it all buttoned up. This also leaves this many quilt bundles that we have left - all total - between 150 and 160 or so, is my guess. Wherever my husband takes the next load, we are planning on his taking all of them.


Thursday while Mike went to Ukraine with his load, I had asked Lena if she would help me shop for the local Ukrainian ladies and their children who are staying in Otwock. This place now has about 120 ladies and children. So we did this - buying them some nonperishable foods but also shampoo, hygiene products, tp and other basic necessities. Here are more photos.


Nothing. I did nothing for Ukraine today except possibly read a message or two.


I spent a good bit of the day cooking for a special meal we were having on Sunday. While we do have a some Ukrainian people attending our church, this was not directly related to that. So I won’t really show photos of that. Other than that - nothing. I was pretty tired of all that shopping by now and my husband said he needs a few weeks off from driving to Ukraine. Plus the truck needs some TLC.

And that’s it - thanks for coming along with me on this journey!

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