Still MORE Charity Quilt Tops Finished!

As you can see - there are still more here. I’ve been overwhelmed and am trying to gradually work myself out of that feeling by dealing with the things sitting around waiting for my time.

These are all from Ewa’s mom - and I added borders to make them the 60”x80” I’m aiming for (or at least close).


I apparently didn’t take photos of one of these. Now I don’t know where this top is or I’d go find it and take its photo. I’ve got a collection and it’s buried in this collection. Eventually you will see it. :) The one you aren’t seeing is the second from the right.

I was able to get a few quilts actually finished as well. I’ll show those later. This is just a taste.

I now have a LOT of tops ready to be quilted. I’ve not checked how many are ready, but quite a few. Here’s that collection - in the house. I have some at the church in my storage room upstairs. Here’s my collection here in the house.

Just because I have this many at the moment doesn’t mean I’m not working on more. It’s just that I’m well stocked and just getting them all boxed up and put together in one place makes me feel good. Going from one here and one there in various rooms or places all into one spot is helping me “feel” more organized and less out of control - which is mostly how I’ve felt for months now.

Thanks again for coming along on this journey with me! I do appreciate your taking the time to read along!

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