Heat warnings - affecting my sewing?

Well, we are setting records for heat in Poland and while I can escape to the basement to use the long arm, I’m having a hard time wanting to do any major sewing until things cool down a bit. It will be a while.

I could force the issue and make myself sit at the machine and do some serious sewing, but I’m having a hard time doing that.

So instead of fighting it, I’m just going to go along with the heat - and take it a bit easier.

My sewing room is upstairs - where our bedroom is - and the long arm is in the basement. The main floor is where the kitchen is/dining room is.

So…until it does - maybe another week - I will be mostly babysitting the embroidery machine, doing hearts and quilting charity quilts.

As of this photo - I do have 213 of these labels made and put into the boxes.

But not too much more. Every day I’m running over to the garden a couple of times to keep the water on it.

Then I have to water some of the things by hand.

We aren’t cooking in the house these days - trying to keep things as cool as possible.

However, it is about 84F in my sewing room and that’s too uncomfortable for me to focus well. Here it is 9 pm at night and it’s 29C.



Here’s my report as to my quilts I’ve done so far. I’ve got 34 left to make my goal.

They are starting to really pile up in the living room now. I’ve not even attempted to trim them yet. I may be admitting defeat as to that part of the goal.

So…I’m taking this easy until the heat eases. I know - if you are in AZ, this is nothing, but our average is nothing like this and especially not in August. The hardest part about the next few days is that it’s not going to actually cool off at night much. This makes it harder to cool down the house.

34 quilts remaining in my

“Quilt 90 quilts in 31 days challenge”

Anyway….Thanks for reading.

I’ll get back to the focus when it cools down. I may just spread around hearts for the next few days - I have quite a few made and ready to put out.

Becky Petersen4 Comments