Christmas Hearts!

I really wanted to make up some of my own Christmas hearts.

I know that I spent some time with Natalia - teaching her how to make hearts and making 24 with her, but I wanted to make some of my own!

These are the ones I managed to get finished!

I knew it! I knew I would get busy right before Christmas and feel rushed when making these.

I suppose everyone does this and that’s why we have Christmas in July! Right?

I can’t be the only one!

Anyway, I decided to dig in, do some quilting of some Christmas fabrics, cut out the hearts and decorate them.

I wanted to be able to get 20 done and distributed by the time this blog post goes live.

However, as I finish up the blog post on Friday, the weather has prohibited me from putting many out. I hope the date you read this, that I can find the time to run around and put these up if the day is clear. We’ve been having a lot of rain!

Note - today suddenly we had a lot of ice just fall from the sky and then some snow for an hour or so. This is what it ended up looking like. However, because it was ABOVE freezing, the snow no longer looks like this - it’s melted off many places, tree limbs, etc. We do still have some on the ground, I think. It’s dark outside, so I’m not entirely sure. This morning, first thing, we had rain. So much can change in a few hours.

Our weather has been making it hard for me to actually hang them outside, but I’m hoping in a couple of days the rain will die down. :) So…here are the 23 that I did finish. I did put two out today but hope that someone picked them up quickly so they didn’t get too soaked (or blown away since it was windy).

My Christmas themed beads are all quite large, so after making several with the beads, I decided that I had some amazing Merry Christmas ribbon, so I just put it on and added lace and just make them VERY Pretty but without the beads. off for most of them. I was using ribbon with the words “Merry Christmas” on it often so I didn’t want the words covered.

I am quite pleased. Now want to do a couple of distributions with snowflakes or winter themed ones.

But so far I’ve not made them. I figure all of January and February - that theme fits - at least here in Poland.

As for the rest - I still have my box quite full of them, so unless I can get some more help, I’m pretty fixed for the next year with already made hearts. I want to get back to piecing some quilts.

I’ve been working on quilting tops lately AND, as everyone else - it seems, getting ready for Christmas. This year we are having a dinner on Sunday at church and again at our house of course, we’ll have Christmas dinner on Monday. Finally, Tuesday I should have a quieter day! I have several quilts waiting to be trimmed and bound.

But that’s what I’ve got for you today.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

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