
Today I spent some time helping cut up a couple of packs for my sis. She had to go so I told her I’d cut up a couple of packs for her. If you are on her mailing list, I suppose you might see them pretty soon.

I also made a couple of pillows to go with a quilt I made for the upcoming Shop Hop for the Florida Quilt shops!

It is the first time I’ve put piping AND a zipper in a pillow. Or if not the first time, it is the first time in a long, long time. I bought 22” forms to go inside them. I need to spread them out a bit better. I was so excited to see what they looked like inside the pillow covers, that I didn’t get them very even!

But this is something we don’t have in Poland…yet. I can’t say I wish we had them - because I don’t.

These are located near the barn which is used as a garage - holding tools and other such things.

Fire ants! You do not want to get bitten by these guys! They sting! Sadly they are pretty much everyone in Florida now.

And that’s it. Life in the USA takes on a level of busy that I don’t know in Poland. For me, anyway, while I do manage to stay busy - in Poland - I never just sit around - it is not the same kind of busy as here.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading!

Becky Petersen5 Comments