February 2023 Strips Cutting Report

This bag was STUFFED full just a few days ago. Sadly, I won’t meet my goal of getting this one emptied in February. Maybe March?? Hope springs eternal! :)

It is now only about 1/3 full, though. I worked VERY hard this past week (before going to the states).

Because I ended up going to the states early in February, I didn’t do as much as I had originally hoped. The plan to go the states came up kind of suddenly - as Mike suggested it, and at first I didn’t take him seriously. Then, when he suggested it again - after something that came up, I told him, “I might just take you up on that suggestion” (I hadn’t told him “Yes, I’ll go”. Remember, the last couple of times I’ve travelled it’s been during the COVID era and it has been a HUGE pain. Not enjoy able at all. Not at all.

Anyway, I did get some cutting done. I had wanted to finish up my big blue bag of misc. things that I had hoped to cut up. But since my scheduled trip to the states is just a few days away now (I didn’t get my ticket very early) I know I won’t finish the bag.

But I DID do this much!

So, I can be happy with this.


2.5” - 8.81 lbs.


2” - 2.98 lbs.


1.5” - 1.43 lbs.


Here are my baskets from left to right - from bigger to smaller.

This makes my totals this year so far:

And this makes my totals since I started keeping track!

I’ve been doing by weight because I simply had no other idea of how to keep track. There was no good way that wouldn’t take too long to be practical!

Since I am assuming that a singe 2.5” roll of fabric comprising about 40 or 42 strips weighs about a lb. Usually a little less, actually.

This would mean that THIS month alone, I had the equivalent weight of 8 2.5” strips rolls, commonly called Jelly Rolls! That’s amazing! At a highly discounted value of $10/roll because they are scraps, that’s STILl over $80 in value of those scraps. And remember, I did use my strips to make Granny Square Folk - the granny squares. Let me show you. I literally went through a couple of my bags and picked out the colors I wanted to use in this quilt. And I think it turned out great.

I only showed you those last two photos to help you realize that you can USE all these strips. :) There are many designs great for these Of course the more you have, the more you can pull the exact color choices you want.

And there you are! I’m in the states as you read this, so won’t be cutting more strips in February. But hopefully, once I get back to Poland in March, I’ll dive right back in there and get that blue bag emptied. That will be nice! :) But I will be getting more as I start to finish up charity quilts. LOL

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey! Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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