"The Puzzle" is done!
As I watched my husband work on this puzzle, as we were struggling to finish it up on Saturday, I had to laugh.
He puts a puzzle together so differently than I do.
He likes to use the box top and regularly uses a magnifying glass to locate the piece he picks up and finds where it goes on the puzzle.
Yes, he does that.
I don’t.
I work more with generalities and try to figure out by color and shape of the pieces. It is very hard for me to take a piece and try to find that exact piece on the puzzle front. It’s just too slow for me!
I guess that we we worked well together
We finished it on Saturday. I spent quite a while this past week because I really did want to get it done. I realized if I only gave 1 hour a day to it, that it could take days and days to finish it. So, besides the fact that I really do enjoy working on puzzles and find it relaxing - I decided to just go with the flow and spend some large chunks of time on it and do the sections I said I would do (the dark trees). I left my husband to work on those buildings until I had finished the trees.
Then after he had made some holes - empty spaces to fill in - and the trees were done, I went to work on buildings. However, I use the method of sorting the pieces by shape and then work from there when I can’t figure out pieces just by how it looks.
Here are the photos.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 -
Friday, the 20th when I went to bed this is how it looked.
You can see on the upper right that there is a drawer and the pieces are sorted by shape. At this point, that drawer held almost all the remaining pieces.
Then on the 21st, Saturday, we finished it at about 1:15 pm. Even at the end, we had a bit of a struggle. Often at the end, the last 50 pieces are fast. However, since the last part of this puzzle were the buildings, it was not easy.
We bought this interesting HUGE floor lamp which reminded me of my mom’s which she has over her piano from the 70s to help us with puzzles.
I had to smile at the differences that my husband and I have in approaching puzzles. It did remind me of quilting in that there are so many of us who approach our quilting in various ways.
Let me be specific.
Some quilters do only one project at a time others have multiple projects going on simultaneously.
Some quilters only do scrap quilts; others do no scrap quilts.
Some quilters want only quick and easy; others are searching for ‘more piecing’ and thrive on a complicated paper pieced pattern.
Some quilters will only make a quilt using a pattern; others have never made a quilt from a pattern.
Some quilters use only second-hand fabrics; others wouldn’t think of using such fabrics.
Some quilters only hand quilt - and maybe only hand piece; other quilters use a machine for everything.
Some quilters shop only where able to touch the fabric that they buy; other quilters buy only on line.
Some quilters love traditional patterns; other quilters do not like traditional blocks and want something other than them.
Some quilters use only cotton fabrics; other quilters use whatever they have.
Some quilters love to quilt in groups; other quilts are solo sewists.
I’m sure there are other differences that maybe you could think of. But as I mulled on how differently we worked on this puzzle, I realized that in the end, we were going to finish this puzzle - either way we did it. Eventually even if I hadn’t helped, he would have been able to finish it by himself. And the same could be said for me. I would have eventually been able to do it. However, together we were faster. There is no doubt.
There was no right/wrong way to do this puzzle.
With quilting - There are so many different ways of doing quilts - let us enjoy the differences that we all enjoy while making quilts - and NOT discourage each other and horrors if we should belittle each other!
Have a great day wherever you are! Thanks for coming along!
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